Just In
for Sacrificial Second Chance

7/22/2014 c5 10rigami
Sigh... with 25 chapters out i am way too late but still, why, oh why is harry so lame? This is something that i found in fics all the time... probably because most of them are written by teenagers. The alternatives are not only being all emo and ragefull and psycho or being a '60 hippy that speak only of peace and love and gets emotional at the slightest event -.- You want, unsurprisingly, Harry to be "better" than the other one and go along with his family? Sure, great, i approve. But there is no need for him to go around spouting "sorry" here and "i love you" there. That is sit-com material, and i mean a BAD sitcom, especially considering he is of age and just coming down from an exhausting war. Give him a bit of dignity, i beg you ( Wouldnt have it been that bad to just let him slowly show he is different by not antagonizing anyone, and quietly helping when needed? Which would have had the nice bonus of just appearing as if he was a child growing up, instead of being the completely different person that he is. More beliveable both in story and in the reader's eyes. And dont let me even start on Karma itself completely humanized... "call me Kar". Bah. I saw this kind of writing before and usually i stop reading the fic once in story, 2-3 days after the switch, everyone just starts spouting again and again on how changed and better and marvelous harry is. I fear what i will find in the coming chapters...
7/17/2014 c25 Soviet Kodiak
Man, you are an evil person... Leave on a cliffhanger, then leave the story for over a year with nothing. I was really enjoying the story too. Oh well. Not much I can do about it. I hope that you find inspiration to take the story back up, but either way, thanks for writing an entertaining story
-S. Kodiak.
7/16/2014 c10 sum12321
Can you please stop saying creator when you mean creature? Sorry. It just bothers me.
7/12/2014 c16 ghost boy 952
He only played on Gryffindor for 4the years cuts of the Triwizard tournament
7/12/2014 c14 ghost boy 952
Percy was a Gryffindor
7/12/2014 c25 Guest
This is great. Please continue the story
7/9/2014 c25 JP Gosick
when is the next chapter or you abandoned the story
7/9/2014 c13 HurricaneShippu
Well, I don't like the whole incest thing you're bringing on... and I do think Harry shouldn't carry around the knife set if he's gonna be trigger happy. So with Hermione being one of my favourite characters it is disappointing to see his relationship with her take a hit because of those events. I guess this is your way of pushing her away since she didn't win the poll. But I think that because it was as close as it was, it should have fallen to your discretion as the author to stay true to however you originally intended to write your story. It is always good to take input, into consideration, but more often than not when one chooses to please the cohort at the time, because the story will suffer in the long run. Especially when it is only 4 votes that separates the decision. Harry's reaction really doesn't sit well with me especially since he could be the chosen one all over again. I had hoped that after spending a lot of time with his family he would no longer be steel grey from the merging of souls that occurred when he entered his new body.
7/9/2014 c11 HurricaneShippu
Wow, great story so far, but I can't wait for Harry to arrive at Hogwarts. The only problem I can think of is that that you have ten year olds that speak far to well for their age. I have never really heard a ten year old make the awkward line. I hope that the pace of the story picks up, and I am interested to see what the 'upgrade' will do to Harry in the future.
7/4/2014 c25 MarkFrodo again
An: Yes i know i'm an asshole.

Douchyness aside. and complete honesty here. My birthday is in 3 days (july 8th). and ive been waiting for this story for a very long time. I dont usually ask for much. but even if the next chapter ends with ANOTHER cliff hanger. id still like to see this story continued... if not then at least post an AN on chapter 26 and idk put the story up for adoption (or something) so at least someone can continue this wonderful story...
7/4/2014 c25 tchizek
Wonderful story, it is too bad you haven't updated in so long, and left it at a cliffhanger.

7/1/2014 c3 11Shin'tet
I do not understand; I mean I like dark Harry fics, but to throw in face a pure evil Harry without an explanation of how that came to be instantly made me hate this story. Then there's this personification of karma apparently manipulating Harry's fate, accident or not, feels beyond far-fetched and unfit for a Harry Potter fanfic. I realize this is your first story, but it really feels like you didn't put a whole lot of effort into the plot, character development, and time into making sure the story flows well. I don't think I'll continue with this, since I'm only on chapter 3 and experiencing great disappointment. I don't like sounding like an unfeeling asshole, I just wanted to express how I feel about this story and why.
6/27/2014 c12 3reallyfreakingnerdy
It really is regretful that Hermione isn't in the harem. I can see that relationship working wonderfully in this story.
6/27/2014 c7 reallyfreakingnerdy
I want to like this (because the concept is interesting as all hell) but the harem choices are a tad annoying. What I mean is that Harry won't even be able to interact with most of them for a while since most are younger than him. That and the characters chosen aren't all that interesting to use either.
6/25/2014 c25 madara Fan 1
this is what i'm called for some reason i'm not able to login...anyway...this story is really good I really liked it but I hate this cliffhanger I mean did you really have to cut off right then?
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