Just In
for Sacrificial Second Chance

6/24/2014 c1 Lord Asmodeus
Voldemort should have won.

Harry Potter was weak and pathetic.
6/16/2014 c25 IMPR0VE
Ha! what a cliffhanger. sad to see this hasn't been updated, ill add it to my favs and follow anyway :D hopeing for an update
6/13/2014 c25 4SteelBlackwing
...Ouch. That's quite the cliffhanger. Though, I really like this story, so an update would make me extremely happy.
6/12/2014 c20 kyosh711
Great story, weird but great!
6/10/2014 c25 KinZer0
Its been so long since this story was updated, but its one of the better hp fics on the site so I hope you continue it one day.
6/8/2014 c1 sanbeegoldiewhitey
Any man who wants his sister is one sick puppy.
5/31/2014 c25 marlastiano
I really hope you finish this. Thanks. :)
5/30/2014 c25 lipasnape
So, he dies and you just forgot to mark this story as completed, or you plan to continue, only not as fast as you believed last year?
I'll mark the story for alerts, just in case...
5/27/2014 c25 Edgar3t
great story, but you haven't updated in a while
5/24/2014 c25 1zookster
Please finish this the cliffhanger is killing me
5/24/2014 c25 Doctor Psychosis
hmm how many months has it been since last this story has updated, such a shame to be frozen in time for so long and yet be such an amazing story! can't wait for the next chapter my friend.
5/22/2014 c25 IcShenninagans
The story is dead, I guess?!
What a shame
5/20/2014 c1 1shadowseaman
I hope this fic is not dead, it is really good.
5/20/2014 c25 Guest
The only real cliffhanger in the whole story and that is where you abandoned it! Oh no! Please at least let us know how you intended Harry to get away. Pretty please!
5/18/2014 c14 howmanyisthat
Dang! I really wanted to see Harry pull the sword out in front of everyone like you were hinting might happen.
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