Just In
for A Glance

4/12/2024 c1 Guest
3/22/2024 c1 Guest
Hello! Whatcha up to?
10/17/2023 c1 snoopylover60
This is a test, it is only a text... if this had been a actually review you'd be happy!
1/12/2023 c1 reader71360
Well, it is a little quick. But it is hard to be patient when you are young and your hormanes are racing. They will learn.
5/15/2019 c1 2Intan Nadia Rindu Cinta
Make me imagine I'm the one in the story...
Love it so much...
2/25/2019 c1 1Chelsea Womberly
So much in so few words. Loved it.
6/13/2018 c1 Patriciadiane
Short, sweet - to the point. Loved the line Is it tomorrow yet? Don’t we all want to hear that?
4/8/2018 c1 2NeishaImMyMainPriorityAyers
9/14/2013 c1 7RockRaven244
Love. This. Are you doing the 25 challenge?
7/15/2013 c1 Guest
Love this... its awesome. More please
2/15/2013 c1 Guest
Kiss, Kiss... I loved it! It should have more reviews!
12/26/2012 c1 7TheBlueWitch
So lovely! I loved how you managed to share so much through such a limited number of words. Well done!

Thanks for writing!
8/5/2012 c1 11savannavansmutsmut
Short, sweet, hot and perfect! I loved it!
7/16/2012 c1 4snoopylover60
FF is stopped sending my updates to my in box. I am checking to see if they have fixed it.

Thank you for reading my little story.
5/6/2012 c1 BELAVERA
I love it!
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