Just In
for One Woman's Simple Act of Compassion

5/28/2013 c2 8Maira Z. Pereira
I love how simple and deep this story was. I wish there was more of it. I always thought Lily is adorable.
5/26/2012 c2 WandalovesIan
Loved it, write more soon, you are really good, loved reading Lilly's compassion for Wanderer.
5/17/2012 c2 The Queen Of Souls
I like how you added on to this even though it was only supposed to be a one-shot :) And I really like how Melanie explained to Wanderer the compassion that many humans are very well capable of
4/28/2012 c1 14CaptainInappropriate
Aww I love Lily! This is a great piece. I've always wondered how I'd react if I were a human down there, I hope I would be like your Lily!
2/23/2012 c1 The Queen Of Souls
I liked this story! It really does show how one person can make a real difference in somebody elses life if they really put their mind to helping them. I like how you took a minor character and expanded her, gave her some depth, and, above all, gave her some compassion for Wanda. Excellent. 10 stars out of 5
2/14/2012 c1 098765432345678

I'm THRILLED to see you made your first post!

I have to admit that the last time I read through The Host, the persona of Lily somewhat escaped me. I knew she was one of Wanderer's first friends, that she was necessarily kind, and with Wes, but little else stuck with me. I love to see someone take what little is given about a relatively minor character and really flesh her out with personality, thoughts, and motivation. Sure, Lily is kind, but we didn't know why. I love seeing into these inner thoughts.

I hadn't thought of the 1950's parallels before, but now that you mention it, I whole-heartedly agree. That's exactly how it is. "Good morning, Mrs. Johnson. Can I help you carry your bags?" "Thank you, Timmy, you're such a good boy."

That bath is going to feel so good. Except for the cactus soap. That's going to smart.

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