5/28/2013 c2
8Maira Z. Pereira
I love how simple and deep this story was. I wish there was more of it. I always thought Lily is adorable.

I love how simple and deep this story was. I wish there was more of it. I always thought Lily is adorable.
5/26/2012 c2 WandalovesIan
Loved it, write more soon, you are really good, loved reading Lilly's compassion for Wanderer.
Loved it, write more soon, you are really good, loved reading Lilly's compassion for Wanderer.
5/17/2012 c2 The Queen Of Souls
I like how you added on to this even though it was only supposed to be a one-shot :) And I really like how Melanie explained to Wanderer the compassion that many humans are very well capable of
I like how you added on to this even though it was only supposed to be a one-shot :) And I really like how Melanie explained to Wanderer the compassion that many humans are very well capable of
4/28/2012 c1
Aww I love Lily! This is a great piece. I've always wondered how I'd react if I were a human down there, I hope I would be like your Lily!

Aww I love Lily! This is a great piece. I've always wondered how I'd react if I were a human down there, I hope I would be like your Lily!
2/23/2012 c1 The Queen Of Souls
I liked this story! It really does show how one person can make a real difference in somebody elses life if they really put their mind to helping them. I like how you took a minor character and expanded her, gave her some depth, and, above all, gave her some compassion for Wanda. Excellent. 10 stars out of 5
I liked this story! It really does show how one person can make a real difference in somebody elses life if they really put their mind to helping them. I like how you took a minor character and expanded her, gave her some depth, and, above all, gave her some compassion for Wanda. Excellent. 10 stars out of 5
2/14/2012 c1 098765432345678
I'm THRILLED to see you made your first post!
I have to admit that the last time I read through The Host, the persona of Lily somewhat escaped me. I knew she was one of Wanderer's first friends, that she was necessarily kind, and with Wes, but little else stuck with me. I love to see someone take what little is given about a relatively minor character and really flesh her out with personality, thoughts, and motivation. Sure, Lily is kind, but we didn't know why. I love seeing into these inner thoughts.
I hadn't thought of the 1950's parallels before, but now that you mention it, I whole-heartedly agree. That's exactly how it is. "Good morning, Mrs. Johnson. Can I help you carry your bags?" "Thank you, Timmy, you're such a good boy."
That bath is going to feel so good. Except for the cactus soap. That's going to smart.
More more more!
I'm THRILLED to see you made your first post!
I have to admit that the last time I read through The Host, the persona of Lily somewhat escaped me. I knew she was one of Wanderer's first friends, that she was necessarily kind, and with Wes, but little else stuck with me. I love to see someone take what little is given about a relatively minor character and really flesh her out with personality, thoughts, and motivation. Sure, Lily is kind, but we didn't know why. I love seeing into these inner thoughts.
I hadn't thought of the 1950's parallels before, but now that you mention it, I whole-heartedly agree. That's exactly how it is. "Good morning, Mrs. Johnson. Can I help you carry your bags?" "Thank you, Timmy, you're such a good boy."
That bath is going to feel so good. Except for the cactus soap. That's going to smart.
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