Just In
for Just Another Wrong Boy Who Lived Story

9/30/2012 c11 3Haiogh-Yai
How did Harry and Co find out about the stone? Was there a time skip between this chapter and the last one? What was the relevance to the plot of the last chapter? What happened with Snape and McGonagall's unfair point deductions?
8/27/2012 c15 5flame55
I can't wait for more
8/25/2012 c15 ImAProudMudblood
wow...I thought this story died..
8/24/2012 c15 The Last Lestrange
Its a good story, but the chapters are a little short. Maybe Albus should throw a tantrum...
8/24/2012 c3 1Nanettez
It is interesting that in the first chapter both boys have black hair and in the third Albus is a red head.
7/28/2012 c14 25917brat
I likw this it is different and I can't wait to see all what happen next though I wonder how will everyone feel whrn the truth it reveled? not only about the real boy who live but how harry is treat by not only his parent but the teachers(snape) wounder what mcgonagall will think when she finds out harry was telling the truth ( if she ever finds out)
7/26/2012 c13 someone
Wow this chapter was great good job please update soon!
7/16/2012 c2 AeneasTroy
You don't have much imagination if the only name you can come with for Harry's twin is Albus Severus Potter.
6/6/2012 c12 5flame55
this is good
6/5/2012 c12 7Teufel1987
What I don't understand is why do they call her "Pads" but still say "Hermione" ...

Generally names are shortened because the original is too long to pronounce ...

Her-my-oh-knee: 4 syllables


Pad-ma: 2 syllables

Padma is quite easier to pronounce ... It isn't a big a mouthful as Hermione ... So logically, shouldn't Hermione be shortened as well?

Anyway, I'm rambling ..,

Great chapter!

Good luck for your exams!
6/5/2012 c12 5Dark Neko 7000
What going to happen next
5/31/2012 c11 5flame55
this is great can't wait fro more
5/29/2012 c11 25917brat
this is really intresting but what happpened with the dragon and the detention in the forbidden forest...not to mention the unfair treatmeant Harry is getting? oh man I hope you keep this up cause I am eager to see where you are going to go with this.
5/29/2012 c11 autumngold
Thank you for the updates! I like your Harry and I'm glad that he doesn't dislike Severus. Severus has always been my favorite. Can't wait to read more! Will his brother get the credit for Quirrell's defeat?
5/25/2012 c10 5flame55
This I's good
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