Just In
for That Pretty Rage

4/16/2018 c1 PetalPrincess01
Awesome One-Shot.
9/19/2014 c1 GT500RonSmith
This one was really good! She would have so done just this!
4/26/2013 c1 29jareya
I am devouring your stories today, discovering so many new favourites and just having a blast. This one is wonderful, so passionate and powerful and loving.
11/17/2012 c1 MH
I enjoyed the story. Very nice.
4/17/2012 c1 teelduo
That put a smile on my face. Thanks
3/26/2012 c1 7TrapperII
Fabulous tension. And the kiss at the end!
3/2/2012 c1 keystothecastle
Lovely, lovely, lovely!
2/28/2012 c1 3Copop

I actually don't really know what to say, except for that I love this for some reason I can't explain.

They're just willing to protect the other from dying, and if that isn't proof enough of their feelings, then what is.

2/23/2012 c1 1Aon Duine
Oh. Oh that was fantastic. What an intense, beautiful moment in time.
2/21/2012 c1 72willgirl
Loved it!
2/21/2012 c1 148Cora Clavia
This is so wonderful. I love the rare flashes of Angry!Kate. It's refreshing to see what we know she feels, to see her panic and get angry when Castle puts himself in danger. So good.
2/20/2012 c1 Mathiilde3
That was kind of cool, I like the idea of that fight. I hope they do one on the show some day. You did it beautifully.

2/20/2012 c1 KMacD
Fantastic, just like I imagine them.
2/20/2012 c1 1CaskettShipper
Wow. I really LOVE this story. It's fantastic... Really. I love that quote too. You should continue this... Just saying.
2/20/2012 c1 6Petraela
End of story is soo soft and beautiful. Lovely story!
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