Just In
for Strange Imprints: Liberty for Wolves

2/6/2013 c9 2vampdreams
I'm loving where this is going...
keep writing
2/6/2013 c9 37cold kagome lol she have spirt.. lol
2/6/2013 c9 5xanimejunkie
D'aw... The ending for this chapter was cute! And dang, didn't expect her to be a werewolf for 12-13 years! THE TWISTS IN EVERY CHAPTER! .
2/6/2013 c9 ellaryne
2/6/2013 c9 9Needlessly Complicated
2/6/2013 c9 Analitica
Love how everything is developing!
2/6/2013 c8 silversorbet
Well it's a really sad story, honestly. For me that is. I don't think I want the full story. I'm not one for much angst. I'm fine with the details you've given. :)
2/6/2013 c8 blueberry55
Like this just wish the chapters were longer..
2/5/2013 c8 midnight
COOL! sad story tho, but it explains everthing
2/5/2013 c8 5xanimejunkie
Whoa... Now she's a real werewolf. Wonder how the pack in La Push feels about that. .

And do it! Your alternate POV's are great!
2/5/2013 c8 15prettyflour
This is such a cool twist in imprinting/mating. I;m so excited to see where you take this!
2/5/2013 c8 sogian
Loved it! It was perfect finally finding out Bella's story! Did her parents knew what happened to her but they kept it hidden? Edward was that so sorry his imprint when through so much! Why is it more and more difficult for Bella to became human again? Will there be a time when she won't be able to turn to human again? Can't wait to read more...
2/5/2013 c8 5vivx-chan
Poor Bella! Will she find out what exactly happened to her? I loved the chapter like always, and I’m glad you are to posting, so keep writing and posting.
2/4/2013 c8 Valentine Rain
Poor Bella. Maybe a good enough indoor heating system will prevent the change? Or maybe a bite from a certain vampire? Can't wait for more! x
2/4/2013 c8 37cold kagome
aww. wow that shocking..
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