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for Strange Imprints: Liberty for Wolves

5/19/2012 c5 3carmeleissle5cullen
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5/9/2012 c5 11Sweetie7smiled
This is a fun story! It's nice to see another in the Strange Imprints series. Thanks for writing!

And, I like Harry Potter (paired with Twilight); I am writing such a crossover series of my own. Although, I didn't catch the HP reference you alluded to last chapter.
5/4/2012 c5 1Crazygirl8243
Please update soon I want to know what happens
5/3/2012 c5 The Doctor Rose
Way to short but good
5/3/2012 c5 sogian
wow! Bella doesn't really have a reason to be worried about Edward not wanting her any more but she hasn't seen hospitality toward her in so many years that it is strange for her... Did she understant what Carlisle ment when he said that she was Edward's imprint? And He is so curious about her! Will she be able to communicate with Edward now as a wolf or will she wait till she transform to human again? And when that will happen? When the weather gets wormer? And what is this attack she is talking about? Can't wait to read more.. Update soon!
5/3/2012 c5 5vivx-chan
Hi! I loved the chapter. I thought it was funny. ;P

Keep writing and posting.
5/2/2012 c5 3lozzy035
aww they are so cute

is carlisle going to know what she is now

update soon
5/2/2012 c5 LadyIce5
They should have a series of words for her to point to with her paws. And the alphabet so she could spell out her name. Can't wait for the Bella's big reveal that she is human(shapeshifter). Thanks.
5/2/2012 c5 Edward's spouse
excellent. waiting for more.
5/2/2012 c5 5xanimejunkie
Hehe, that was cute!
5/2/2012 c5 2gothgirl1245
Please write more it is really good
5/2/2012 c5 2Umiko9692
I love how Bella is getting annoyed with being called puppy, hey maybe you can do something like in Shaggy dog so she can tell them her name before she turns human.
5/2/2012 c5 Midnight Angels Say GoodNight
Is It wrong that I'm happy Bella is annoyed with Carlisle? Looking forward to the next update.
5/2/2012 c5 ellaryne
Love it
4/30/2012 c4 2Vero Diaz
wheres the new chapter?
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