Just In
for Strange Imprints: Liberty for Wolves

9/26/2015 c20 Guest
Good job
9/26/2015 c20 2DoubleFate
This last chapter is so rushed and had almost no point to it! Seriously so she leaves for a year then comes back and you just end it like that? The rest of the story was somewhat enjoyable so it's a bummer the story was ended this way.
9/23/2015 c19 Will the Werewolf
nice update...
9/23/2015 c19 AinsleyWright
Wow such suspense. I can't wait till the next chapter!
9/23/2015 c19 The Doctor Rose
9/21/2015 c18 6GrimFWaters
I like this story. I'm not usually a fan of wolf stories, but you have done a pretty good job with this one. Why is Bella's perspective purposely written poorly?
9/21/2015 c18 AinsleyWright
Poor Laurent not knowing the answer. Can't wait till the next chapter. See you next Tuesday.
9/20/2015 c18 5vivx-chan
Not so shocking, it's James after all, and the first time he appeared you could get the gist of his personality.

Keep writing and posting!
9/20/2015 c17 4snowflakelover
I'm glad your back :) Love you Imprinting stories
9/19/2015 c18 Will the Werewolf
nice update
9/19/2015 c18 3bloodredeclipse
Woot woot! So glad that James had entered in the story! I'm ready for a big fight to ensue! Love it and can't wait until the next chapter.
9/19/2015 c18 1992-2024
love the story amazing chapter
9/16/2015 c17 mygooddog
Thank you for updating, still love this story!
9/16/2015 c17 5vivx-chan
Even if they don't mate, them being together is still dangerous... :/

Keep writing and posting!
9/16/2015 c17 Will the Werewolf
nice update
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