Just In
for Strange Imprints: Liberty for Wolves

2/19/2012 c1 Edward's spouse
excellent. waiting for more. is she part of the la push tribe and she is the only one who can phase?
2/19/2012 c1 SoundsLikeAPersonalProblem
Loved it
2/19/2012 c1 darkangel0212
keep up the good work
2/19/2012 c1 Mireads
Really good
2/19/2012 c1 FLOW LIZ
poor bella. Love the story cant wait for an update.
2/19/2012 c1 3lozzy035
poor bella being lone in the cold

er family are jerks

aww edward wanted to take her to warmth

update soon
2/19/2012 c1 16animal8
This was a cool start to a new story. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this and finding out what happens with Edward and Bella. Really glad you have a new story on the go and cannot wait for the next update ;D.
2/19/2012 c1 LilyMolly
I like this fic, update soon please
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