Just In
for Bleach: The Raven Angel

3/30/2012 c8 quietreaper
great chapter i really like the swing from the original story to this story i feel theres going to be tension though between ichigo and renji lol. cant waif for the update :D
3/25/2012 c7 9Lone Wolf 59
so... are you going to finish this story or what? nice so far tho!
3/25/2012 c7 FinalReason
nice work I look foreward to byakuja meeting ichigo
3/25/2012 c7 quietreaper
great chapter i can see strugles in the future lol cant wait for the next updates :D
3/23/2012 c6 Waffle192
great chapter. Can not hardly wait for the next chapter man. And the lemon was great good combination of things made it seem more realistic. so keep up the good job and update a new chapter.
3/17/2012 c6 quietreaper
1 word to describe this chapter...HOT great job on it i cant wait for more chapters
3/17/2012 c6 1LSTMoonshine
that was great and never expected it to get that dirty but im not ready yet for rukia to get pregnant yet
3/11/2012 c5 FinalReason
realy great story so far and a amazing chapter keep up the good work
3/3/2012 c4 LSTMoonshine
cute and funny
2/27/2012 c1 2HollowTailedSaiyan93
Thanks for the reviews. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so far. I'm also glad to hear the characters are still themselves. The next chapters are where it gets complicated, so hopefully they stay that way.

PS: As for Ichigo's hollow, the reason behind his involvement at this point will be revealed later.
2/25/2012 c2 FinalReason
interesting he hears his hollow before zangetsu

keep up the good work
2/25/2012 c1 FinalReason
nice story so far. I like how you bring her zanpakouto in .
2/24/2012 c3 3NotHereAnymore1234567890
Interesting :) I definitely be putting thus on my watch list. Good work!

2/24/2012 c3 7Generalmayhem02
Wow, I can't believe this is the first review for this story, I think it's really good, I like how you keep them in character while exploring Ichigo and Rukia's feelings. I also like how you made Orihime seee, she is so like the girl she was at the start of the show.
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