Just In
for Bleach: The Raven Angel

4/14/2016 c37 Kronos
3/7/2016 c34 1SirDuranix
it isn't a swastika it's the kanji for temple
11/29/2015 c37 jokerboy217
WHen is the next chapter? this has been one of my favorite stories for years!
10/30/2015 c6 Guest
Dude not bad for your first time its exactly how I pictured ichigo to be with a maidens first tome and also romantic enough for the sappies out there nice man just nice
10/29/2015 c37 15NinjaFang1331
Awesome job
6/10/2015 c37 21RynUhara
I love your detail and just the overall plot!
This is a beautiful fic, and I just can't get enough.
Especially those intimate moments between Ichigo and Rukia.
The love, man. THE LOVE...
Is real.
5/20/2015 c36 Anissa
Please continue to write chapter 38.
4/27/2015 c36 Uzumaki Shadowfox
complete this fanfic now!
4/23/2015 c37 Anissa
Please continue this. I really love this.
4/11/2015 c37 Guest
Keep the chapters comeing plz I love this fanfic
4/8/2015 c37 MrBlue987
read all of this in 4 hours, loved it
3/2/2015 c37 11genie luciana
oi...please don't leave it cliffhanger...I'm eager to know the next please...
2/11/2015 c4 Jack the Stalker
I have only recently started to read this, so i will skip the outdated chapters & wait for the updated versions.

But i must say that this is getting very interesting.

Keep up the great work & update soon :)
2/8/2015 c36 BoboMidorima
Wow I just saw your profile! This is your first story! I would've thought that since this story is so good you'd be have more stories written, but I was surprised at how well written this story is and it's only your first!

BTW - If you haven't caught on yet, I absolutely love this story!
2/8/2015 c37 BoboMidorima
I think it's safe to say that I absolutely love this version of Bleach!
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