Just In
for The Autumn Swan

1/28/2013 c7 8JordanMathias
Interesting story, I didn't read the original but I am enjoying this very much. I like how innocent you've made Harry. Very believeable and very Canon while concerning Cho. And even using the jealousy that Cho feels, very nice!
1/25/2013 c1 6ochreish
Cool! Nice re-working of canon. S'great.
1/25/2013 c7 Guest
I've enjoyed this tremendously, I love that you brought Harry's unfortunate upbringing and background into Cho's mind.

You know, I really don't understand why there are so few Cho/Harry fans. Everyone loves Ginny and all, but I never was a fan. OOTP's release coincided with my own beginning as a Harry Potter fan, do maybe that's it.

Anyway, great stuff!
1/18/2013 c7 3RHatch89
loved it... i like the build-up towards the actual relationship
1/18/2013 c7 1rishab7
a update after very long but surely it was worth the wait... the conversation was amazing and so was the last bit... looking forward to the next chapter...
1/18/2013 c7 Guest
Nice fic! I like the way the Harry/Cho relationship is evolving :)
1/18/2013 c7 12Nauro
Good, an update - that was an unexpected yet a pleasant surprise.

As for the chapter, if felt rather short - and I know that it wasn't, well not really, but the action went by pretty fast. The conversations about the distant date went a bit too long for my liking, since you showed both sides of the same conversation, that essentially mirrored each other too much - and reading the same thing twice was a bit too stale.

Anyway, glad to see development, but then again, all this is just a little dragged out and polished (that part is significant) version of the original. And I remember it with fondness, thus this story is going to be interesting for me, but I still wouldn't mind seeing the old one updated too.

The subtle and not-so-subtle differences are there, and it is interesting to compare.
Anyway, continue on, as this is the younger sister of the story that influenced my interest in Harry and Cho pairing ;D, I'll be watching.

1/16/2013 c6 2Mionefan
A sort of necessary filler chapter. I'm hoping this story continues soon. I've not read the previous attempt, wanting to see a proper rendition. So far so good. God, I hope you omit the disastrous Madam Puddifoot episode from canon. Cho as Harry's hostage to rescue is a foregone conclusion I expect. It'll be interesting to see who you pair Hermione with eventually. Neville would be nice hint hint.
1/16/2013 c5 Mionefan
Well, I thought at least a peck on the cheek for Harry, but I guess I'm getting a bit ahead of your story. I'm glad you're showing this from her perspective as well as Harry's.
1/16/2013 c4 Mionefan
This chapter was the defining moment so far. A much relaxed Harry, courtesy of Cho's help brought him to the point that he could actually dance with her and enjoy it. That hadn't been the case in canon with Parvati.
The blow up with Ron and Hermione pretty much was canon, so no chance to comment there. A bit more forceful than canon, but well done.
1/16/2013 c3 Mionefan
I really like this one so far. In canon, Roger is portrayed as being completely besotted with Fleur to the point of embarrassment.
1/10/2013 c6 12Louatown
I hope that you'll finish this one. I really liked 'harry Potter and the autumn swan' and I didn't understand why did you feel the need to write this one but I hope that it will be much better. I also think that it's not easy to re write all the story, so "courage"
1/2/2013 c6 Passerby Boy
Hey, not to be rude or pushy, but will you be updating soon? This is a remarkable story, and I don't see many Harry/Cho stories in progress and in depth like yours. Hope everything is going well on your side.
12/15/2012 c6 charles123
I'm happy that you decided to re-upload your story. It was a really good story and your idea about Hedwig was really original and wonderful and I sincerely hope that you're not going to abandon it and that you're going to you it in this new version as well.
If there was one flaw in you previous version it was the lack of real interaction between Cho and Harry. They were young people in their late teens who were dating but in your story they behaved like 13 year olds who got crush on each other but they are far from realizing it. They should spend some time togehter, going on dates, kiss and snog because that's what belong to dating.
So I hope that you're not going to change the good things and also that you're going to change the things that didn't went so well.
Anyway I hope that you're going to update and you're not going to abandon this story (once again).
11/10/2012 c1 Swampkirt
Looks interesting i will try it out once this story hit 100k words :)
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