Just In
for The Autumn Swan

9/25/2019 c11 Guest
Holy crumboly! You actually updated! I’m so glad, I actually just reread this a couple weeks ago and thought well if it’s abandoned at least it’s a decent happy stopping point. But now I get to keep reading, just wow. Hope you will update again soon.
9/26/2019 c11 vito.mcsween1
first off I'm really glad to see you back finishing the story after all these years but this is just my opinion I really think you should continue off when chapter 50 of your original story I mean it was getting good you were in the half blood Prince but now you're starting from the order to Phoenix and that's probably not a good idea and last I checked after slughorn's party was Gryffindor match against Slytherin trust me it would be a good idea to finish the original story instead of relaxing your ideas that's just my opinion think about it also I want to see sirius's next class my idea that it is that with the six years he'll have them debate against each other about the opinions of their house and the magical world so they can understand each other a little better please think about it if you have any ideas respond back ASAP cuz after rereading the story over and over again I have some ideas I can help you finish faster
9/22/2019 c11 thepotterfan
Hi there,
One of the brilliant Fan fiction I've ever read! I wish that you'd add chapters regularly as I love reading it ad I can't wait to read more! I'm waiting! Please do add! Great work.
9/22/2019 c11 George1892
Glad to see the fic back in action. I feel vindicated about leaving lots of really old fics on my follow list now. Good chapter.
9/22/2019 c11 1Secundum
I had this on my list of dead fics. Good to see it's still alive.
9/21/2019 c11 20TheGoldenYoshichu
I'm not gonna lie, I squeed a bit when I saw that this story had received an update. The HarryxCho section of ffn needs more activity and you certainly brought it. I'm eager for more! -TheGoldenYoshichu
9/21/2019 c11 23Lord Jeram
Hey, the number of decently written HPCC fics is so small, I'm glad you updated even after so long.
9/21/2019 c11 3RHatch89
Awesome update :)
9/21/2019 c11 2Osoyo702
Holy wow! Was shocked when I got the notification. So glad you’re back, and the chapter was awesome. By far my favorite Harry and Cho story.
9/21/2019 c11 MDKXXII
Happy to see this being alive again. Good update.
9/21/2019 c11 LifeIsAGreatAdventure
Great to see you working on this again. Part of me wonders at the relative inability to discuss their relationship and part thinks this totally typical 'teen'. I do wonder if your Cho's estimate that Harry is keeping quiet about their relationship is happening a little early, even for what seems to be a trope in fanfiction driven by choices he made in canon at the end of his sixth, not fourth, year. Thanks loads for your hard work on this, definitely looking forward to future installments.
9/21/2019 c11 6Caluminous
I found this story less than three days ago. Saw the last updated date and despaired at the indefinite hiatus of a great story. Saw the update and was like "WTF? Is this happening?" Happy to have the story going again!
9/21/2019 c11 mcnexusbros
OMG I thought I was dreaming when I saw the update notification in my email! Thank you for update!
9/11/2019 c10 Guest
This was great. Sad to see the story end but this was a decent place to leave it.
4/22/2019 c10 Guest
I really like this story, I hope it gets an update soon! Oh wait... Scheisse
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