Just In
for Gotta Be You

6/23/2012 c6 Ilovemattishida
wow such a sweet, lovely and flffy chapter with full of mimato! I loved it. That part where matt wets his pants by cumming was so hilarious.

Hey but i thought they live in when did they go to America? It's little confusing since they all are japanese and living in America

But chapter was awesome and so is the story so far. I'm dying to read more
6/15/2012 c5 1Lilyangel003
This is a great story. I'm in love with this so update soon.
6/8/2012 c5 cool
yes! Thanks for updating. I'm so happy mimi is getting her memory back.
6/6/2012 c5 6Missylea
Yay! Thanks for updating. This was such a sweet chapter. And i'm glad Tai isn't a villain anymore.
6/5/2012 c5 12Digi Yo
Awesome! Glad Mimi is getting her memory back and that Tai is getting some sense into his head. Update soon!
6/4/2012 c5 Ilovemattishida
it's a while since you updated. But i'm glad at least you did. Nice chapter. It's good mimi is starting to regain a little bit of her memory. Please keep it up.
6/3/2012 c5 3Mimato love 4ever
I'm glad things are turning fine between Tai and Matt. This chapter was so cute especially the last part with matt and mimi. And i'm glad you are trying to extend this. It's good how you are progressing thier relationship and the littlest things she is remembering. It's great coz the readers will get to read more and also the story won't seem rush this way. Try to update soon.
5/16/2012 c4 Mimi
so when are you updating? I love your story so hurry up and yeah please make it a little longer than what you are actually planning to. I want more mimato moments.
4/10/2012 c4 Bubbly Rose
Plz update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next...I love the adaptation you have made now I have't seen The Vow but ahh I love this story! ^_^
4/4/2012 c4 12Digi Yo
WOW! This story is toooooooooooooo good. Oh! I am so in love with this one. And I am really sorry I did not discover it earlier. I don't really like Tai in a villainous role because he is my fav but still I simply imagine some other guy over there:P
4/3/2012 c4 Ilovemattishida
nice chapter once again. Update next chapter ASAP. Please tell me you are going to write more mimato story after this.
4/2/2012 c4 Dakota Rel
please dont stop this story!its awesome
4/2/2012 c4 3Mimato love 4ever
loved this chapter. And i'm glad the baby is fine. Hey please please please don't end this too early. Make it a little longer. I just want to read on and on. It's okay if you take a while to update but please don't end it too soon. Thanks for updating. Can't wait for next chapter.
4/2/2012 c4 Valechan92
Matt's reaction was quite normal and of course i believe he'll come back to mimi! i'm sorry for tai because the bastard ins't really his role, and i'm sorry for my beloved Taiora too. i just hope matt and sora will beat him really hard but won't leave him alone...

i can't wait to read the next chapter!
4/2/2012 c4 6Missylea
Great chapter. I'm glad that mimi is finally giving him a chance. I loved this chapter. I'm so excited to know what matt would do? Update soon.

Hey i can't believe there's only one or two chapters left. I was expecting it to have at least 10 chapters. I hope you don't mind but if end in only 5-6 chapters. It would seem so rushed. Well normally i wouldn't care and don't give these suggesstions to writers but your story is so good. I mean it is based on a very emotional plot. Last two chapters almost made me cry if you believe me. So there's a need to show the rekindling of mimi and matt's romance and how her memories come back. So i think it's necessary to focus on there growing romance in any of later chapters. It is only possible if you extend this story in more chapters. I hope you don't mind. It'll only make your story better. Are you convinced or i need to pm you? Please think about my suggessions. I love this story.
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