Just In
for Love Overcomes All Boundaries

7/25/2016 c24 Guest
I need more! You are really good! Please have an update soon. :(
6/8/2016 c24 Kailyn
Uggggg I need more chapters its AMAZING lol love it keep it up
3/21/2016 c24 xAsMyFearSlipsAwayx
Please update :) I really hope you continue this story
1/17/2016 c24 Guest
This is amazing please continue!
1/17/2016 c24 ambervera1
I loved this!
1/4/2016 c5 Bubbleguppy55
I think this story is really cool and its not like Crescendo(did I spell that right) at all
10/30/2015 c24 cynthiahathaway
Omg omg omg i love this story ! Please update soon !
9/19/2015 c24 Guest
8/29/2015 c24 Guest
I know you've got stuff to do but please try and update more you're such a good writer
7/20/2015 c23 Dpxx
Loved this chapter! Please write more!
6/23/2015 c22 Guest
oooooh... nora's a bad girl... please put her and patch together asap! update soon!
6/22/2015 c22 1Noelle90
Oh my god, I almost cried tears of joy when I saw that you finally updated! This chapter was amazing (like always). I can't wait for the next update! :D 3
4/15/2015 c11 Guest
Btw do you know any great fanfictons about hush hush?
4/15/2015 c21 Guest
Haaaiii I loved this chapter so much but I think nora should be colder to patch, because in the books she was so cold to him when she was suspected on Marcie and patch having some kind of a fair and it was nice to see her not crying and being depressed over a guy even if they are in love. I think you should give it a shot. Oh also patch can get incredibly jealous and go to the same place with dabria or vee or maybe Scott and vee idk I really like Scott and it would be nice if he was a part of the story. Whatever I am sure you will do something great anyway
3/30/2015 c21 i3candy
omg i loved it.
it is absolutely brilliant.
please try to finish. :-)
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