Just In
for The Legend of Gaia's Sennin

11/22 c38 Rose D. Reinhardt
Is this story still continue? Please say yes...This is one of the best fanfiction story i have read so far. Please finished it
11/19 c1 Niggers Hater
Fuck pussy nigger! That's how you think like a real black-skin? you're going to prostrate and beg to your mighty masters and kiss of mom and dad and me foot like stray dog Trying to beg to got a house.
Good, I can feel your lust. I am pantsless. Take your dick. Strike me down with all of your lust and your journey towards the bitch side will be complete!

Note from the author: you fucking son of a bitch!, Do not delete my favorite comment, Do not anger your master too much

Best regards

Niggers Hater
11/21 c2 6SonarTex43
I recommend you have Naruto wear all of his Materia like those monk beads, that way he'll have them ready for use. Plus, I suggest getting him some weapons and armor that can be used with Materia, as a way to augment his existing power. It would make him more a part of Gaia.
7/16 c1 Jose19
It is shame that you won’t finish this great story on this site is one of the very best.
4/24 c38 danielkey23
hello amazing story i do have a question if this story will be updated again since it has been years since the last update or a rewrite becouse of the games remake tne remake did give some new and interesting things too add thank you for your time
4/7 c38 krzychu14x
I hope to see a new chapter soon! One of the better Naruto crossovers on this site!
3/20 c1 22jward
madara not maradara
2/29 c37 HyperA2019
Will Aerith end up pregnant?
2/29 c1 HyperA2019
Looking forward to Chapter 39.
2/18 c1 Guest
You alright I hope?
11/24/2023 c7 HyperA2019
Will there be any Naruto x Aerith lemon scenes?
11/24/2023 c6 HyperA2019
Looking forward to Chapter 39.
11/20/2023 c38 12JensenDaniels32
Uh, pretty sure that Naruto CAN do something against Sephiroth.
11/20/2023 c37 JensenDaniels32
Wouldn't be the 1st meteor that Naruto's had to deal with.
11/20/2023 c37 JensenDaniels32
Naruto could have just, oh I don't know, SEALED the black materia-temple and all-away in a scroll?
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