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for Pokemon: Sapphire Desire

6/7/2012 c19 Monkey D Swog
I actually been reading ur stories from the begging I didn't review because at the time I couldn't log in because I forgot my password and after a while I forgot what ur account was called so I didn't know what had been going on that depprission hits everybody a lot of people tell me I am worthless I belive them somtimes but that makes me just want to prove them how wrong they are kudos to u that u got over that and thanx for ur help I would have never found ur account without ur help good thing I asked though
6/6/2012 c14 4pkmaster777
nice chapter 19 man, awesome battle I cant wait to see what else happens! I am on edge and you were right i was very pleased! it was a great chapter. keep going man!
6/6/2012 c19 1glazunov
Hey, this is something you gotta keep writing. Think of all the readers that really follow!
6/5/2012 c19 5PichuAuraGuardian18
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I loved this story! Well, I guess I wish you luck on your new story and I'll still support you all of the way!
6/5/2012 c19 4pkmaster777
I am saddened, yet honored, I was really enjoying this story but I completely understand where you are coming from. I will continue to read your work because you are a very great writer. I have not started your other work but I am starting right now and I am sure that it will continue to impress!

I hope that the reviews shall continue soon so you can continue later if you so choose. but I can not wait to see what else you have to write! Thank you for transferring my OC and including him epically in this story, I really loved the way that he was portrayed! see you in the other side of the night
6/5/2012 c19 5xTheODSTx
My friend decided to be funny and wrote that review on my account. Time to change the flipping password again. God, I hate that.

Anyway, I am starting to regret my decision, and I AK working on the actual chapter in a week or two. So far, life for me sucks, and it is not helping my confidence in myself. I have a very low self esteem. I have decided cancel this story, just to postpone it. I just need to re assess how my life is going. It was stupid of me to stop this just because i let depression get me bad. I apologize for that. I have learned that just because you don't review doesn't mean u don't read it. Please give me another chance guys.
6/5/2012 c18 xTheODSTx
Okay dude, I think you are acting a little foolish here. We might not review, but that doesn't mean we don't read it! If you understand that, maybe you won't be so disapointted when it happens. But hey, if you need time, take it. Just remember that you are letting a lot of people down right now. I hope you reconsider your options.
6/5/2012 c19 9Itssupereffective
To not continue a fic due to lack of reviews is ridiculous. Look at Pichu, when he first started his fic he didn't get met many reviews at all. But he kept at it and now he has one of the most if not most reviewed advanceshipping fic on this site. And even if you don't get a lot of reviews you still have fans that followed your fic and now you're disappointing all of them. So there's my two cents, quit if you want or continue it's your choice.
6/5/2012 c19 1TheRaichuResistance
I can't believe IT! I just started reading this! I admit it was pretty bad at first, but I can tell you improved a lot. Don't stop just because people probably are not ABLE to review all the time. Especially busy people. I understand, but don't get down on yourself dude. There are still some loyal people out there. So, keep this story up, or you will regret it.
6/5/2012 c18 4pkmaster777
SWEET! THat was epicly awesome!
6/2/2012 c17 pkmaster777
Dude that is awesome I didnt see that one coming, keep going with the story, and thats awesome for my oc! hope mass effect was good! and i read both of those guys they are great reads
5/23/2012 c16 5PichuAuraGuardian18
Oh no! Michael's in trouble! I wonder who Nightrn is...Can't wait to find out! By the way, I can't exactly submit an OC since Gavin's already a main character, but do you want me to create another one anyways? By the way, great chapter! Update soon!
5/23/2012 c15 PichuAuraGuardian18
Uh oh! Misty's got competition! I can see that you're going to be a tournament as well. Good luck with that! I remember that when I did the tournament in my story, it took about four months for the 11 chapters! Not fun! Sorry these reviews are so late. By the way, Amanda seems like a pretty hyper girl.
5/17/2012 c16 4pkmaster777
simply awesome, i was kinda shocked seeing my oc's name, I cant wait to see this! :)
5/16/2012 c15 pkmaster777
awesome job man, ill send the tournament details for my guy
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