Just In
for A War of Wills

4/14/2012 c5 23xxsupernaturalgalxx
Omg ahhh i love this chapter :D

omg did gendry just give pod mouth to mouth ;) lol i laughed so hard... ah perfect break from studying from exams :D
4/14/2012 c2 54Laura Scofield
Woah this sounds like a REALLY ambitious story. I think Martin's wrong to disaprove of fanfiction, cos I reckon fanfic mostly intensifies fans love of the original text. Anyway, your writing style was very impressive in this chapter, the only thing I'd say is remember to put new dialogue onto a new line. I don't read too much fanfic anymore, but I'll be keeping an eye on this story to see if you update it :D
3/8/2012 c2 27qqueenofhades
Hey thanks for the shout-out! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this story after all the wonderful comments you've given me on mine. I'll be interested to see what you do with a mix of post-AFFC plotlines, how much ADWD will influence them if at all, and who will show up as POVs. As for this first exhibit, I'd say Arya's fairly in character and it will be interesting to see what you do with her Braavos arc (since I'm of course doing one myself...) Just curious, is there a specific reason you chose to pick up after AFFC and not incorporate much of the ADWD material?
3/8/2012 c2 23xxsupernaturalgalxx
Oh wow I loved this chapter :D epic job

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