Just In
for Haunted Mansion

3/15/2012 c5 Daniella
OOooo... tell more. Is she going to be fed to Ciel?
3/15/2012 c5 1SexyTurtle75
what? thats the end! NO! I demand more! This is far to awesome! Keep going please i love it!
3/15/2012 c5 kareso
Honey I won't have come back for anything
3/13/2012 c3 kareso
Honey if was me I would left my stuff run like a bat out of hell
3/9/2012 c2 1Acacia of Death
Kinda creepy...

This fanfic is SO awesome! I would faint, if that happened to me. x3
3/9/2012 c2 kareso
omg can't believe she went in with out being little freak out cause i would of been
3/8/2012 c1 kareso
Oh lala I love it hehe it juice can't wait for more

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