Just In
for Heaven on earth

4/29/2018 c6 mounds01
Love this story!
3/29/2016 c6 Adrasteia Stark
It's really fantastic, hope there is more to come.
7/9/2014 c6 Guest
Please update soon!
1/11/2014 c6 Guest
Write more plez
7/12/2013 c6 annoontje
It's really AWSOME! Please write MMOORREE? X
5/28/2013 c6 Guest
5/5/2013 c6 1JandK4lyfe
11/19/2012 c6 2Tron11
awh this is a very sweet story! 3 please carry on :)
11/12/2012 c6 7TraptWolf94
keep it up, it sounds great! :)
10/5/2012 c6 Guest
your an amazing writer
9/21/2012 c6 6BecomingScarlett
I really like this story! I haven't read a Kim/Jared story, but it's very cute(:

I really like how Kim acts, all bashful and shy around Jared, that's adorable. I think his personality is great. I like Kim's best friend Keela too, and I totally feel her pain in this chapter having her move away:( My best friend had to move away our senior year of high school and it was soo hard not having her around. I'm sure Jared will help make Kim feel better though;) I hope you update soon, I want to see what happens next.
9/10/2012 c6 tazph1200
Great story so far! Please post more! lol
8/14/2012 c6 12Cassy-Kay
ahhh, nooo! Keela can't leave!
ahhhhhhh! J better comfort her or something!
Great chapter!
8/14/2012 c6 1scigeekgirl
oh my...this was a sad chapter.
7/28/2012 c5 Guest
3 the story, cant wait to find out what happens next :) hope he tells her about the wolf thing soon!
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