Just In
for Cold Feet

5/11/2012 c5 7Wild Child RUN
happy birthday! and heck, you mentioned arabic- which is soooo close to hebrew-which I speak, cuz im jewish- long rant? YEPPPPPPPPPPPP
5/11/2012 c3 Wild Child RUN
I love this, and hope you continue! You portray the chaacters perfectly! Most people go 'And Sabrina was sooo sexy, everyone wanted her. And puck was the hottest guy around. and daphne was sooo popular becuz shes related to Sabrina!' And it gets old- fast. I'd love to see more Daphne though! And relda! I love your writing style, and I hope this happens.

College is fun, and great , but Puck has to OMG! go and be The King of Faerie, along with Mustrdseed, and lie IDK maybe ha sto marry- MOTH- but how does Sabrins feel about that? Or maybe Moth is in disguise trying to win Puck back! and then he falls for her, not knowing shes the priss-stickuptheass-fannying(freaking annoying-girl-nnamed-moth-/ocolos-kEND.

5/10/2012 c5 Circe
I loved how you made Puck more dimensional by giving him insecurities, but kept the character the way Micheal Buckley intended him to be. I love your writing, so don't stop!

"If a boy does something stupid once, well, that's because he's a boy. But if a boy does the same stupid thing twice, that's usually to impress some girl." - Onceler from The Lorax
5/10/2012 c1 Circe
I loved how you made Puck more dimensional by giving him insecurities, but kept the character the way Micheal Buckley intended him to be.
5/10/2012 c5 emowriter
OMG, I love Aisha! :D Yay Aisha! And Puck's job is awesome! He would be an awesome inventor! And I see him as good in math for some reason. Blame NGHC. But I love this chapter, this is a perfect job for Puck. And all the romantical tension between Puck and Sabrina. And when Sabrina was all like: I care about you-no... I hate you-I mean I like you, don't you have to get to work? That was genius!


But, great chapter! I love this story!
5/9/2012 c5 26Lara D
I didn't know if you counted the day you updated as four days 'til party time, so I'm probably a day early. :3


Birthday. :)

Your present shall be presented on dA, my friend. I'm probably going to send it to your sister's account or something. :)

As for the really are going on my favorites author list. That was so clever -Puck working at Toys R Us...why didn't I think of that? XD Really ingenious! You did another Pucktastical chapter!

5/7/2012 c5 Longlivethecookiemonster NLI
Im like reading all of my reviews, and I sound like a messed up person with no idea where her train of thought's going... :/ anyway, in the post where I mentioned tim HORTONS, when I said that, I meant reading but not reviewing... I bet that your going to like set this rule about not spamming ur thing cuz of me...
5/7/2012 c5 Longlivethecookiemonster NLI
Errrrr I meant to say happy birthday in the third post, but it didn't come. Please don't kill me for overpopulating your review thingy! I sent u like five or something...
5/7/2012 c5 Longlivethecookiemonster NLI
TIM HORTONS! they have one of those in Michigan where I used to live! I lurve their donut balls!

Lol I'm such a spammer ;) consider these generous reviews from all the annoying people who conveniently 'forgot' to!

Yay! You got four presents! Btw, I hate it when people do That! The exact same thing happens to my blog! I have like, four followers, 12 comments for my 32 posts ( Ike how unfair can life get?) and a bunch of meanie Flamers. On top of that, I find that I have like 49 people visiting each day! I had tO resort to BLACKMAIL! I mean, I reallyrealllyreally want feedback and followers and I am soooooo determined not to do that tO anyone else! I mean, it's not like it's that bad... Anyway, hope u enjoy your presents! *hands you the same number of brightly colored boxes as your age* hope you're not 40!;)
5/7/2012 c5 Longlivethecookiemonster again
BIRTHDAY! I didn't know, but them i looked at ur reviews, and I'm all OH MY GOSH! So yeah... Sorry for spamming your story!
5/7/2012 c5 Longlivethecookiemonster NLI

I'm sososososososorry! I really wanted your 100th review to be special and u screwed it up with a fail review :( I hate my itouch sometimes! I keep trying to type and then it 'accidentally' presses review ( TIS EVIL! TIS EVIL I SAY!) and I never get to finish typing. And dont even get me STARTED on autocorrect! So I was saying that that this is a really really amazing and original fanfiction! I honestly don't think those annoying people should be allowed to read it! I'm so sorry though! It was supposed to be special... Sniffle. :'( who knows, it might not even be the hundredth review because of the one hour to show up stiff. So anyway, I really hope you don't stop writing and you write more like this!


5/7/2012 c5 3Longlivethecookiemonster

Amazing story! It has such an amazing
5/7/2012 c5 AwesomenessInaCan
HAPPAY BIRTHDAY! :DDD Another fantastic chapter, of course. Possibly my favorite. :) Not cuz of the Starbucks thing, although that did make me vvvvvery vvvvvery happy. (squee!) You, my Canadian friend, are awesomeness in a can. Don't stop writing! Never stop writing! EVER!
5/6/2012 c5 PenguinLoverGurl
*sets bright green box with lavendar ribbon on table that magically appeared. You look at the card attached and it reads: 'SHIREEN, HAPPY HOWEVER OLD YOU ARE BIRTHDAY! STALKER-ISHLY, PLG'. You open the box and inside is a large, obtuse, overstuffed pie. Written on the pie in whipped cream reads: 'Enjoy!'*

I hope you liked that because that was my favorite pie.I think that cakes are over-used, and should step aside because it's time for pie to shine! I also gave you a fake mustache. *reaches in pocket and pulls out fake mustache* :{ ) HAHAHA!

Seriously? I was the only anon. reviewer. Well, that's bittersweet. I mean, bitter cuz other anons. didn't review but sweet cuz I was the only anon.!

Toys R Us! Now I'm jealous. I never, ever, EVER go to Toys R Us. Lucky Pucky.

Well, my darlink, I have a muffin waiting for me.

5/6/2012 c5 4AvaJane17
This was awesome possum! I loved the cheese in the beginning, when Puck was all 'crap, I need a job... For Sabrina!' it was great! Love the topic for this one.
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