Just In
for My Heart's Desire

9/15/2016 c3 Tater Tots

Rating: 7.3 on the Richter Scale (MAJOR DAMAGE! CTHULU HAS SHIFTED IN HIS BED)
9/15/2016 c2 Tater Tots
Gwen is too good for this world. This is awesome - a great look at how she got to the "even if I had the chance to kill Uther, I wouldn't" mindspace she was that time that Merlin asked her. Love it :)
9/15/2016 c1 Tater Tots
Awwwwwwwwwww poor Merlin! my smol son 3
1/22/2014 c1 oma13
Aw, I loved this! Merlin turning to the Lord can only be a good thing! If you want some really good and 'clean' stories, check out my daughter's. ebhg is her FF moniker! We enjoy Thomas S. Monson quotes, too! ;-)
11/16/2013 c3 54Knowing Grace
What a gem you have written! I have read many Merlin stories and I must say that-even though the ones I have read were very well done-this one is a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much for sharing this!


Knowing Grace
4/21/2012 c3 28Ocean Mint Leaves
This...this is just...GAH! It's too good, too perfect! I love this! Definitely my favorite of the three, one of the most moving stories I've ever read. This is just too true my friend...

Loved this, good luck with the plot bunnies :)
4/20/2012 c3 jameson1155
What a lovely story! I especially like that God would send Merlin to Arthur, who does desperately need him (even though he doesn't quite realize it, nor would ever admit it). I'm sorry that you're moving away from Merlin fiction, I would have loved to read more from you.
4/16/2012 c3 64Tibbins
I like it. I'm really not a religious person but I do appreciate that peopl tend to turn to God when they feel trapped. I think Merlins was my favourite. And the end of Arthurs

Nicely done

Tibbins xx
4/1/2012 c3 gem
Will you be leaving this fandom? That is so sad... For what were you thinking of writing?
4/1/2012 c1 gem
I have always wondered why no-one in Camelot ever prayed or anything, because everyone was supposed to be really religious back then. But for Merlin not to do it makes sense, and his awkwardness at trying was really funny to read. Thanks!
3/23/2012 c3 1Katalytic Reaction
Loved this little chapter trilogy story. It was really interesting. The last little part made me smile and think how it was so Arthur of him. Great job and good luck with the plot bunnies!
3/23/2012 c2 Katalytic Reaction
I always thought Gwen had a dark side, but the kindness always overrode it. I remember she said that taking revenge on Uther would make her as bad him. Anyways, very nice chapter!
3/23/2012 c1 Katalytic Reaction
I've never read a Merlin story related to religion, but this seems like a pretty good start. Good job.
3/23/2012 c3 164Kitty O
I like this one. I've often noticed that as well, Arty.
3/21/2012 c2 Kitty O
This one was not my favorite of the three. But it is good!
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