Just In
for I Spy You

7/6/2017 c1 Tendershipping4ever
12/1/2016 c1 13littlemichiru
Pretty cute. I was half expecting to see some mobiumshipping but still it was cute
6/9/2016 c1 9BlackMoonWolf22
yeah ha ha! woooo! Awesome!
8/9/2015 c1 kitten
sooooooooooooo cute
3/10/2013 c1 2Mio12
3/3/2013 c1 13DestinySt0ries
OMR! I'm in love with this! It's so awesome! XD I just love how you portrayed the characters, and the story is so creative and flowed smoothly! I honestly want to read more of this, it was just soooo good! Terrific job! ;D
3/1/2013 c1 3Deadly Shadow
Misty "Aww!"
Kira "Can't do a long review. Sorry, just not feeling that well. Great story, you kind of rushed but at the same time you didn't. For a short story, this was in a kind of perfect pace. I rarely read short stories, but I'm glad I took the time to read this."
Angel "Since she had not said what I wanted to say. Like always, I will also like to add in that this reminded me a little of beauty pop (The manga.) I enjoyed it allot, I didn't think a short story will be this good actually. We usually never review just talking about the stories, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. Also, the grammar in this story was great. Yami's personality really made me enjoy it more. Stalker mode always makes me love the stories, no matter. I enjoyed thinking of Yugi in emo clothes great sense of style it seems."
Misty "Byebye! And, by the way I l-o-v-e-d this story to!"
12/28/2012 c1 15YGOfangirl4ever
*laughs lightly* Lovely. I really liked it :D It's a wonder I didn't start reading your stories sooner... *squeal* Can you PLEEEASE write a sequel to this! That would be too awesome XDDD Seeing how their relationship goes, how people react to it, and how Yami meets grandpa Solomon :DD
10/27/2012 c1 17Julius Night
Totally loved this! Great writing and flow, excellent work!
8/31/2012 c1 50Magiccatprincess
Almost died of all the cuteness in this! kawai!
7/13/2012 c1 carment cortez
That was so cute and romanceing to me this i have to say that it is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good more then good it's amazing and perfect.
5/30/2012 c1 2InuYoiushi
Love it, please write more soon.
5/12/2012 c1 2Anime Lover Donna
It was so cute! I loved reading your story! I'm glad I read it, your story was very fluffy!
5/11/2012 c1 storm mustang
I love this story. Little shy Yugi is so cute! keep up this story!
5/6/2012 c1 sk84ndd327r0y
Aww... I love the fluff!
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