Just In
for Mastermind Misery

6/16/2019 c3 A. Ruhnke
Got Ham City Home of Batman...and the largest pig farm in the world. I'll take my pork chops with mashed potatoes with butter, green beans, and a slice of corn bread. Lol
8/7/2014 c7 cantstopmydreams
amazing story
6/8/2014 c1 guest 2
Α sly cooper/batman crossover?! hell yeah! i will certainly read it.
Wait "updated jul,19 2012". Perfect, another abandoned fanfict.
7/19/2012 c7 3strixx
Awesome chapter! I thought that everyone stayed fairly in-character, Harley being the exception. I think you Flanderized her, which means that you took one aspect of a character's personality and made that their only trait. She's too... Ditzy, I guess.
But your Joker was good! He's a wildcard, so you don't know what you're getting until it happens. This little encounter between Sly and him is a brilliant example, in my opinion. To me, the Joker likes strong people, the people who don't fear him. It balances out that berserk button with his suits, xD
Good thing Sly didn't call him crazy, right?

So yeah, I liked this chapter. Other than Harley, the one thing I didn't like was the tongue-in-cheek humor with the Domino's pizza and other things of the like. I mean, it was humorous, but during an intense scene? Just doesn't do it.

Can't wait for the next update!
7/9/2012 c6 Guest
Good chapter... Ur characters are not OOC... So far so good...
I actually had to go back a chapter to remember what this story was about... I don't know why I forgot the plot... Many ur not updating fast enough hum mm ..Lols

I don't mind sly actually and like someone already mentioned he does kinda remind me of king faraday... Nit as cool but close...

Looking forward to a faster update ;)
7/8/2012 c6 strixx
I think you did a great job with this chapter! I'm really starting to become a fan of Sly and Selina, which doesn't usually happen, so cudos on that, xD Even if Selina was a little bit OOC, [such as, I can barely imagine her acting scared at all in the face of danger, nonetheless in front of a complete stranger. I mean, the girl has got her pride to uphold, you know?] I still think it was cute.

Also, I'd just like to point out my favorite line in the whole thing: "Her throat swelled, and instead of feeling butterlies in her stomach; she felt bats." That made me grin so hard

As for Bruce's dream sequence, I was a bit confused in the beginning, but then as I read on things started to fall into place. I thought it was very in-character for him to have
dreams like that, what with Henri Ducard at the dojo.

So yeah, everything was good except for the occasional error here and there, which doesn't really take anything away from the story. I guess it all comes down to a matter of preference, you know?

ps: I've been just as bad with the updating, so no worries! 'Horrible Relations' will live to see a fourteenth chapter and many more to come. I finally found the time to catch up on my Fanfics, so yay! See ya next update, ;]
6/1/2012 c5 Guest
Really interesting chapter... Sly has some characteristics of king faraday ...

I would like more batman in the next chapter...

Keeping going
5/20/2012 c4 One of Many Names
Loved this chapter! The characters are very interesting, especially the way you're portraying Catwoman.

Can't wait for more :D
5/18/2012 c4 strixx
Oh my god, you had me laughing at this: "In other words," Sly butt in, giving Higgins a wry look with a smug grin. "Do I look as old as you, grandpa?"

Wonderful, wonderful chapter! Awesome description with somewhat-funny narrative to go along with it, :D My favorite part of this whole chapter is Sly's lie to Montoya. Oh, and the ending.

Can't wait to read more
5/2/2012 c3 Guest
You've got great writing style... I am actually more interested in Selina than Bruce... But who can not like the sexy dark knight... It's just Selina os always such a mystery b/c u can play with her past ...

Anyways happy belated birthday and hopefully you'll updated sooner...
5/1/2012 c3 strixx
First of all: Happy Birthday! :D

Second: I would like to say that this chapter isn't as bad as you'd like to think. The execution is brilliant, and the way you wrote the characters were equally as brilliant. Over-all, a lovely chapter. The only thing that was bugging me was that Leigh[sp?] was a bit *too*... Perfect, I guess. [bringing people to tears with a song, and getting offered a huge sum of money to start off her career? Eh, not doing it for me.] She wasn't a Mary-Sue in the first two chapters, so try not to fall into the trap for the upcoming ones. Oh, and Cass figured out Bruce's identity with one look? xD

Besides all that, the interaction between Sly and Selina was flawless~ and I also want to know what happens with those two criminals who escaped from the police department... :]

ps: sorry for the tough love, on your birthday of all days, but I really don't want to see such a beautiful and interesting story fall down the hole, so to speak. But I still love this story, nonetheless. Can't wait for the next update! :3
4/28/2012 c2 One of Many Names
Loving this story so far! You're doing a fantastic job, and I can't wait for another update. The whole crossover thing doesn't bother me so much because I have a PS2 and I know what Sly Cooper is. I still play the games, actually. XD

great job, update soon!
4/11/2012 c2 Guest
I love ur writing style... It's good...

And I absolutely LOVE Selina / catwoman ... I really am totally lpoking forward to the next chapter
4/11/2012 c2 strixx
You know, I actually read this yesterday when you updated. I kind of just procrastinated on leaving a review - until I got an email and it reminded me.

I don't have any harsh critiques, because honestly, the chapter was perfect as far as I could tell. Even if I had to wiki the thing you're crossing over with [to understand who was who], it was still pleasant to read. And I got to learn about another fandom, so yay! And score one for Catwoman~ c;

Also, Leigh and Bruce's conversation was pretty entertaining. I definitely wasn't expecting her to ask to be a *maid*, of all things. This story definitely has a lot of potential, so yeah.

Good job!
3/31/2012 c1 strixx
I like the idea of the friend being mute, it adds to the character and the whole ninja perspective. Now, I've never heard of the fandom you're crossing this over with, so it's almost like an OC story to me. Either way, I like the characters and the way you portrayed their relationship. I normally don't like these types of stories, but they seem as believable as any other character in the Batman universe, so you're all good.

I also liked how there wasn't a lot of information given about the two. It makes me want to know more about them, and that's the best type of element a story can have~

Oh, and just question: Why don't you write more often? Honestly, you're just as good as anyone else on the site. I enjoyed reading it because it was fluent, concise and there was nothing confusing about the way you wrote it. So yeah, good job. :3
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