Just In
for Justification

2/8/2017 c1 44MystiKoorime
This was awesome! You nailed Hiei's character as well as Botan's. I really enjoyed the fact that you included other characters besides H/B. And I love the fact that - even though Hiei can't admit it out loud - he knows that the only reason he bothers to show up is for Botan. :)

Great job!
12/1/2016 c1 10LonelyDreamer7
Oh gawd I need more of this. In a seperate thing cause this is perfect on its on, but yeah this was super good. Hiei and Botan pairing is always a blessed thing
7/8/2012 c1 11diggydawg
Lol, I didn't know who she was, lol... I kinda assumed she was an OC, then I saw that Author Note, and I was like, oh! Hehe :)

Anyway - I loved it! Unusual, but I really liked it :) It was short and sweet but still gave enough detail and the moments were lovely :)
3/28/2012 c1 kungfupandabear
3/27/2012 c1 1Eerie Iri
Hmmm, I keep thinking that the woman in question is Botan, if only because Hiei doesn't threaten Yukina, Keiko is almost never at the temple and neither is Shizuru.

Good story!
3/26/2012 c1 37Crystal Jaganshi
I assumed it was Boton, because you mentioned how he threatens her and how she's scared of him but she comforted him anyway. Either way, I loved this.

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