Just In
for Cake

9/20/2005 c1 7two-bite-brownies
Hey, i just wanted to tell you that I LOVE mit/miya soo much and you've become my favorite author for writing so many awesome mit/miya fics! Please, keep writing more! and have at least two chapters xP
5/27/2002 c1 7oriquey paired up everybody with..erm..anybody?*giggles*It might not be a SenKosh but I'm kinda glad that you paired Hiro-kun up with Kogure...but..the whole Mitsui and MIyagi(or the other way around)feels kinda weird...but..altogether it's a wonderful fic.*huggles*Great work!
5/25/2002 c1 16sky75rk
it's sweet. it's nice. it's cute. it's ummm... what will I say? it's ummm... sweet? oops... repeatition...repeatition of words... ^_^ Not many people do MitMiya fics. Hope you do more!

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