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for Michael's Legendary Quest!

6/7/2012 c3 1TheRaichuResistance
That is soo cool! I love this!
6/6/2012 c3 5PichuAuraGuardian18
Why you no kiss Michael, Misty? It would make things so much easier! Great chapter, can't wait for the next one!
6/6/2012 c3 4pkmaster777
sweet chapter man, you really are a good writer!
6/5/2012 c2 pkmaster777
cool story man, i really like all three that you have been working on!
6/5/2012 c1 pkmaster777
nice concept with this one, I really like these world to hell ones fighting to get the safety of the world back!
4/6/2012 c2 5PichuAuraGuardian18
I could so see Pichu doing that! And I really hope that Gavin was joking about the drinking part! That stuff can mess with your head, man! Anyways, great chapter! Looking forward to the next one.
4/1/2012 c1 11Toa Solaric
Is Michael pair with Misty?
3/31/2012 c1 5PichuAuraGuardian18
It's pretty interesting. A bunch of spoilers for Sapphire Desire, but still interesting. Just a question, though. Where'd everyone's favorite character go? Yeah, you know who I'm talking about...Where's Pichu? Lol. Just kidding. Well, sort of. Keep up the good work and update soon!

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