6/6/2012 c3 5PichuAuraGuardian18
Why you no kiss Michael, Misty? It would make things so much easier! Great chapter, can't wait for the next one!
Why you no kiss Michael, Misty? It would make things so much easier! Great chapter, can't wait for the next one!
6/5/2012 c1 pkmaster777
nice concept with this one, I really like these world to hell ones fighting to get the safety of the world back!
nice concept with this one, I really like these world to hell ones fighting to get the safety of the world back!
4/6/2012 c2 5PichuAuraGuardian18
I could so see Pichu doing that! And I really hope that Gavin was joking about the drinking part! That stuff can mess with your head, man! Anyways, great chapter! Looking forward to the next one.
I could so see Pichu doing that! And I really hope that Gavin was joking about the drinking part! That stuff can mess with your head, man! Anyways, great chapter! Looking forward to the next one.
3/31/2012 c1 5PichuAuraGuardian18
It's pretty interesting. A bunch of spoilers for Sapphire Desire, but still interesting. Just a question, though. Where'd everyone's favorite character go? Yeah, you know who I'm talking about...Where's Pichu? Lol. Just kidding. Well, sort of. Keep up the good work and update soon!
It's pretty interesting. A bunch of spoilers for Sapphire Desire, but still interesting. Just a question, though. Where'd everyone's favorite character go? Yeah, you know who I'm talking about...Where's Pichu? Lol. Just kidding. Well, sort of. Keep up the good work and update soon!