4/16/2020 c6
Well, Honey.
I can promise you that the ZoTash Fandom is not dead nor dying.
There are som really cool and awesome new fanfics on here and there is a discord server with nothing but ZoTash fans :)
So maybe some day you want to continue this or rewrite or start something completly new. I enjoyed your story. Thank you for uploading it.

Well, Honey.
I can promise you that the ZoTash Fandom is not dead nor dying.
There are som really cool and awesome new fanfics on here and there is a discord server with nothing but ZoTash fans :)
So maybe some day you want to continue this or rewrite or start something completly new. I enjoyed your story. Thank you for uploading it.
4/16/2020 c5 einfach-Antonia
I really love how you incorpareted Tashigis love for swordfights in this :)
A situation like this war must be terrifying for families. Glad I never had to expierence this...
Of course you can! And you meet Zoro and you are going to rescue the world and then you have babies with him... well... I am to fast xD
How convient that he turns around in right this moment ;)
I prefer Tashigi with long hair... but I totally understand that it has to be done!
Awww Grandma is so supportive!
She will survive! Have a little faith, Smoker!
Hahahaha Usopp xDD
The ancestors are golden xDD
xDDD Poor Usupp
Chopper xDD
Chopper and Usupp... a duo that will cause even more drama.
Well that was brutal o.o
I really love how you incorpareted Tashigis love for swordfights in this :)
A situation like this war must be terrifying for families. Glad I never had to expierence this...
Of course you can! And you meet Zoro and you are going to rescue the world and then you have babies with him... well... I am to fast xD
How convient that he turns around in right this moment ;)
I prefer Tashigi with long hair... but I totally understand that it has to be done!
Awww Grandma is so supportive!
She will survive! Have a little faith, Smoker!
Hahahaha Usopp xDD
The ancestors are golden xDD
xDDD Poor Usupp
Chopper xDD
Chopper and Usupp... a duo that will cause even more drama.
Well that was brutal o.o
4/16/2020 c3 einfach-Antonia
Might be annoying for you because I eventually spam your mails... but I dont really care when I give out reviews. :P (Hope your not going to be mad at me)
Dont judge a book by its cover, Tashi.
Cocky, aren't we? o.o
ahhh... beauty standards...
Let the drama begin!
Not a fan of Hancock... but even she deserved better xD
Spoke to soon...
Always thought the matchmaker overreacted...
Our poor Baby :(
Oh I love that he tries to cheer her up!
Is Smoker wounded like Mulans Dad? Did I overread that?
I know who will :D
I skip the importan message and head straight to Chapter 3 :)
Might be annoying for you because I eventually spam your mails... but I dont really care when I give out reviews. :P (Hope your not going to be mad at me)
Dont judge a book by its cover, Tashi.
Cocky, aren't we? o.o
ahhh... beauty standards...
Let the drama begin!
Not a fan of Hancock... but even she deserved better xD
Spoke to soon...
Always thought the matchmaker overreacted...
Our poor Baby :(
Oh I love that he tries to cheer her up!
Is Smoker wounded like Mulans Dad? Did I overread that?
I know who will :D
I skip the importan message and head straight to Chapter 3 :)
4/16/2020 c2 einfach-Antonia
Okay... did not realise that this is Chapter one and before there was a proluge. Off to a good start, right? xD
This list... all things that do not come natural to our Babygirl...
Yeah.. that must have hurt.
Never a good sign when somebody who never prays suddenly does it :O
Ohh... I thought you would make her his real daughter, good twist there.
That was just a tad mean xD
But Smoker and Hina are married? For real? That would be cool.
Okay... maybe we really need a big miracle...
The thing is... I really can imagine Tashigi with this Mulan makeup. It would suit her.
Well... we know how the Cricket lucky charmed played out in the movie...
And here we go with the first mistake... poor baby :(
But now we are on to chapter 2 :D
Okay... did not realise that this is Chapter one and before there was a proluge. Off to a good start, right? xD
This list... all things that do not come natural to our Babygirl...
Yeah.. that must have hurt.
Never a good sign when somebody who never prays suddenly does it :O
Ohh... I thought you would make her his real daughter, good twist there.
That was just a tad mean xD
But Smoker and Hina are married? For real? That would be cool.
Okay... maybe we really need a big miracle...
The thing is... I really can imagine Tashigi with this Mulan makeup. It would suit her.
Well... we know how the Cricket lucky charmed played out in the movie...
And here we go with the first mistake... poor baby :(
But now we are on to chapter 2 :D
4/16/2020 c1 einfach-Antonia
Well, hello :)
I've got your story on my favorites for a while now and if I am not mistaken I read it already... but I never let you a review... so I owe you some, wether you like it or not :P
I love nightshifts myself... but atleast I am inside...
xDD Crapped on his head xD
Oh no? O.O
Yeah... I would run too...
Nothing easier than that while being chased by someone like a metal brickwall...
Good question... Im afraid you will not like the answer...
I suspected a killing... (maybe I did not read this yet... O.O Good thing is I am doing it now)
Typical Shanks...
Who chose him?
Now he's getting serious.
The last few sentences xDDDDD
Glad you switched from LuNa to ZoTash ;)
And now on to the second chapter!
Well, hello :)
I've got your story on my favorites for a while now and if I am not mistaken I read it already... but I never let you a review... so I owe you some, wether you like it or not :P
I love nightshifts myself... but atleast I am inside...
xDD Crapped on his head xD
Oh no? O.O
Yeah... I would run too...
Nothing easier than that while being chased by someone like a metal brickwall...
Good question... Im afraid you will not like the answer...
I suspected a killing... (maybe I did not read this yet... O.O Good thing is I am doing it now)
Typical Shanks...
Who chose him?
Now he's getting serious.
The last few sentences xDDDDD
Glad you switched from LuNa to ZoTash ;)
And now on to the second chapter!
1/22/2020 c6
77Lechuga Loca
¡Hola! No sé si aún andarás por estos lados...pero si es así, espero que estés bien :)
Encontré tu fic hace poco tiempo, mientras buscaba buenas historias de esta pareja (son los únicos que me interesan al nivel de querer leer algo de ellos). Disfruté mucho la lectura porque tiene esa cuota humorística y dramática que la vuelven fácil de leer, a pesar de que debo usar el traductor, ops; así que cuando llegué a este capítulo sufrí, jaja. Entiendo que debes tener muchas otras cosas que hacer en tu vida y es comprensible, obviamente; pero si decides volver, por favor, por favoooor continúa la historia con los mismos personajes. No solo porque casi no hay fics ZoTash en el mundo, es porque este es muy bueno; perder un buen fic de una ship tan poco valorada sería terrible.
Mulan es mi película Disney favorita, Zotash es mi ship favorita de OP, ¿hay algo mejor que juntar ambas bajo la escritura genial de esta historia?
Repito, me gustaría mucho que pudieras retomar el fic (mis uñas te lo agradecerán también, ya que no dejo de morderlas, jaja).
Supongo que ya te graduaste y estás viviendo la "vida de adulto" ¡suerte con eso!
Espero que aún puedas leer las cosas que te dejamos por aquí :)
Perdón por escribirlo en español. Es mi idioma original, y pensaba traducirlo, pero me fijé en ese detalle cuando ya estaba todo escrito. Sorry.

¡Hola! No sé si aún andarás por estos lados...pero si es así, espero que estés bien :)
Encontré tu fic hace poco tiempo, mientras buscaba buenas historias de esta pareja (son los únicos que me interesan al nivel de querer leer algo de ellos). Disfruté mucho la lectura porque tiene esa cuota humorística y dramática que la vuelven fácil de leer, a pesar de que debo usar el traductor, ops; así que cuando llegué a este capítulo sufrí, jaja. Entiendo que debes tener muchas otras cosas que hacer en tu vida y es comprensible, obviamente; pero si decides volver, por favor, por favoooor continúa la historia con los mismos personajes. No solo porque casi no hay fics ZoTash en el mundo, es porque este es muy bueno; perder un buen fic de una ship tan poco valorada sería terrible.
Mulan es mi película Disney favorita, Zotash es mi ship favorita de OP, ¿hay algo mejor que juntar ambas bajo la escritura genial de esta historia?
Repito, me gustaría mucho que pudieras retomar el fic (mis uñas te lo agradecerán también, ya que no dejo de morderlas, jaja).
Supongo que ya te graduaste y estás viviendo la "vida de adulto" ¡suerte con eso!
Espero que aún puedas leer las cosas que te dejamos por aquí :)
Perdón por escribirlo en español. Es mi idioma original, y pensaba traducirlo, pero me fijé en ese detalle cuando ya estaba todo escrito. Sorry.
10/12/2018 c6
I mean, I don't see why ZoTash seems dead but if you really feel that way, you can upload with a new plot but honestly I'd love to see this continued.

I mean, I don't see why ZoTash seems dead but if you really feel that way, you can upload with a new plot but honestly I'd love to see this continued.
6/24/2018 c6
No! Don't give up on Zotash!
And I was just getting into your story, too.
It would be very sad if you quit.

No! Don't give up on Zotash!
And I was just getting into your story, too.
It would be very sad if you quit.
6/24/2018 c6 Guest
I think ZoTash have future. Ifa its going to occur in the manga I don't know, Oda himself said he doesn't want romance in the manga, but in every arc there is some romance, but not with the mugiwaras.
But when someone asked him why tashigi was embarrassed by being carried by Zoro and angry he said: "I suppose she might be embarrassed in a different way, though. I don't really know how young women think." SBS vol.70
I think ZoTash have future. Ifa its going to occur in the manga I don't know, Oda himself said he doesn't want romance in the manga, but in every arc there is some romance, but not with the mugiwaras.
But when someone asked him why tashigi was embarrassed by being carried by Zoro and angry he said: "I suppose she might be embarrassed in a different way, though. I don't really know how young women think." SBS vol.70
6/24/2018 c6 Guest
Please continue with this story! Both characters are my favourite. This story has a great plot and it would be a shame for this story not to continue. ZoTash do not have enough screen time so stories like this one keep the ship alive!
Please continue with this story! Both characters are my favourite. This story has a great plot and it would be a shame for this story not to continue. ZoTash do not have enough screen time so stories like this one keep the ship alive!
6/24/2018 c6 DOG666
It's a shame if you do not continue this story today few who continue to write about these two characters and rarely find my favorite characters in a story focused especially on them two or where they appear together xD.
But if you can continue this story would be great, but if not you will do it :)
And if they are going to find Zoro and Tashigi again I think they will come back sooner or later;)
There is still a lot of One Piece ahead and much more to play with our imagination :)
It's a shame if you do not continue this story today few who continue to write about these two characters and rarely find my favorite characters in a story focused especially on them two or where they appear together xD.
But if you can continue this story would be great, but if not you will do it :)
And if they are going to find Zoro and Tashigi again I think they will come back sooner or later;)
There is still a lot of One Piece ahead and much more to play with our imagination :)
6/24/2018 c6 Hime1738
PLEASE CONTINUE! And you’re right about Zotash not getting that much screen time as of late, but that’s the main reason I go on this site to salvage their stories. Because I know that the ship either won’t happen or it will eventually. But I beg of you as one of the only few authors here who updated their Zotash story, to please let this story continue to live! :’c
PLEASE CONTINUE! And you’re right about Zotash not getting that much screen time as of late, but that’s the main reason I go on this site to salvage their stories. Because I know that the ship either won’t happen or it will eventually. But I beg of you as one of the only few authors here who updated their Zotash story, to please let this story continue to live! :’c
5/1/2014 c1 Guest
Come ooooon please update soon, I rwlly like the premise! Your story got a whole load of review comparing to other ZoTa fic with similar number of chapters, you know that?
Come ooooon please update soon, I rwlly like the premise! Your story got a whole load of review comparing to other ZoTa fic with similar number of chapters, you know that?
3/24/2014 c5 Guest
I'm sticking with you to the very end, okay? Please, whenever you feel like it, continue the story. Please remember that some stranger from a thousand miles away is waiting for another update.
I'm sticking with you to the very end, okay? Please, whenever you feel like it, continue the story. Please remember that some stranger from a thousand miles away is waiting for another update.