Just In
for A Wizard's Fairytale

4/16/2012 c3 Aaron Leach
Awesome chapter.
4/15/2012 c2 Jimbobob5536
Nice story so far. You take inspiration for it from the story 'Gabriel'?
4/15/2012 c2 Protege16
good job
4/12/2012 c2 12arturus
Interesting start...I'm looking forward to more!
4/12/2012 c2 6HPFan2144
I really like the beginning of this story. Can't wait to find out how Dumbledore and the rest find out it is Harry. Please keep updating.
4/12/2012 c2 hpnut1
I like the start of it!
4/12/2012 c2 Goldencoyote
I like this, keep going
4/11/2012 c1 K
please keep going, its so good. Please!
4/11/2012 c2 autumngold
I would be happy if Harry never had to see Lily, James or Dumbledore again. Lily can pretend to herself that she loves Harry, but her actions prove her wrong. To not even send him a letter is very odd, especially while she just goes and has other children. What is she going to do to them if they get inconvenient? Petunia can only house so many. Great update! I really like your story! Thank you for giving Harry, or Aries, a happy new beginning!
4/11/2012 c2 3ObsessedWithHPFanFic
Good to see the healing process begin for Harry and he now has a family. Thanks for sharing!
4/11/2012 c1 ObsessedWithHPFanFic
Good start to your story. Not sure who his Godmother is. Thanks for sharing!
4/11/2012 c2 Aaron Leach
Awesome chapter.
4/11/2012 c2 25917brat
this is seriously a great story and i really loved everything that you have happened so far and can't wait to see what you are going to have happen.
4/11/2012 c2 Naginator
Nice look forward to more and how dumbledick will support his actions if his so called wards didn't work
4/11/2012 c2 5dreamjanus
Love the story so far...Please update soon.
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