Just In
for A Wizard's Fairytale

4/11/2012 c2 anthony37
Glad Harry is having a good life now.

I look forward to the looks on the Potters and Dumbledores faces when they learn Harry is now with his godmotehr and that Dumbledore had lied to Lily and James.

Harry reveals he is no longer a Potter now.

This breaks Lilys heart knowing she has lost one of her children and Harry revals he hates his sibblings.

If Harry is the bwl Harry revals he has no intention of helping them.
4/10/2012 c2 4darkplayer35
Very interesting start. I hope you continue and finish the story since it has a lot of potential. Please update soon.
4/10/2012 c2 Slytherin66
A good chapter I have not read a fic where Harry was Greek before. I hope the Potter's suffer for allowing Harry to suffer as he has. A pity the Dursley's were not punished.

A good pairing for this story I am a fan of Harry with a Veela given they loving nature a Veela is an ideal counterpart for Harry to make up for the lack of love in his life.
4/10/2012 c2 14Blondewriter007
4/8/2012 c1 12Herne-of-the-lantern
I like the story and hope you cintinue it. Please update soon.
4/8/2012 c1 Jfitzgerald
Please update again soon. Thank.s
4/7/2012 c1 Chi Vayne
In stories such as yours I dislike the Potters more than Dumbledore. Sure, he is the one who came up with the plan, but what type of parent actually agrees with that, no matter how well respected the authority is. Any decent parent would have sent him running if someone came to them with such a suggestion. Unless he curse the Potters, I put them with most of the blame.
4/7/2012 c1 Silverwind54
nice start,cant wait to the next chapter, and when they discover that harry is not longed there and when harry is chose by the goblet of fire.

so only two question:

does they are gonna found harry when he is chosen by the goblet of fire?

does there is gonna be some harry/gabrielle love?( im not this last one is stupid but im wanna know is they are gonna have some romance here or they gonna be friends or family, just curiosity)

so good luck and update soon
4/7/2012 c1 16Belcris
Nice start. :)
4/7/2012 c1 Naginator
Interesting look forward to more
4/6/2012 c1 autumngold
Evil Dumbledore, I'm so glad that Harry's godmother rescued him. Lily and James are horrible too. Personally I don't know why they were allowed to have more children when they couldn't even take care of their first one. Great start to your fanfic! Please post another chapter soon!
4/6/2012 c1 loretta537
this sounds like it will be a great story, i cant wait to see what happens when people finally realize that harry is missing
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