5/25/2014 c53 MaryMary123
So Sam killed Charlie to keep him from turning. Now that would make me see red. I would want my father alive even if it was as a vampire. So Sam just dug himself a whole new can of worms.
So Sam killed Charlie to keep him from turning. Now that would make me see red. I would want my father alive even if it was as a vampire. So Sam just dug himself a whole new can of worms.
5/25/2014 c57
Aww, I knew she'd forgive Jacob... although she'll never forget, and I doubt their friendship will survive in one piece. But what now, I wonder?

Aww, I knew she'd forgive Jacob... although she'll never forget, and I doubt their friendship will survive in one piece. But what now, I wonder?
5/25/2014 c49 MaryMary123
I like this Bella. so much better. Good job. Edward maybe soft in spots but he is funny and he is not ASexual.
I like this Bella. so much better. Good job. Edward maybe soft in spots but he is funny and he is not ASexual.
5/25/2014 c57 Tdot TwiFic
yup, deep down behind that wall, there is still the humanity. Some people don't understand it. They only want vengeance, revenge, anger, fighting and to win, to be the victor in the battle. I just want the negativity to end and the love to bloom. Sometimes it is too much to ask and it really is a great dream. A great dream that is starting to see the light of day and is no longer repressed.
yup, deep down behind that wall, there is still the humanity. Some people don't understand it. They only want vengeance, revenge, anger, fighting and to win, to be the victor in the battle. I just want the negativity to end and the love to bloom. Sometimes it is too much to ask and it really is a great dream. A great dream that is starting to see the light of day and is no longer repressed.
5/25/2014 c57 Karanda86
I love this story. I'm so glad you started writing it again and I'll be sad when it's over. This chapter was a great blend of funny, sweet, and sad. I just love how he loved her! Next chapter Home Sweet Home.
I love this story. I'm so glad you started writing it again and I'll be sad when it's over. This chapter was a great blend of funny, sweet, and sad. I just love how he loved her! Next chapter Home Sweet Home.
5/25/2014 c40 MaryMary123
No one does this general summary. I wish they would because the ones that update ever so often like monthly or every quarter of the year, the other day I had one that had not updated in a year. Well anyway it makes it nice so we don't have to reread all of the story. THANK YOU
No one does this general summary. I wish they would because the ones that update ever so often like monthly or every quarter of the year, the other day I had one that had not updated in a year. Well anyway it makes it nice so we don't have to reread all of the story. THANK YOU