Just In
for Fic on the Fly

4/6/2012 c1 11mostly a lurker
4/6/2012 c1 Karanda86
awesome idea! i'm in!

prompt: blood
4/6/2012 c1 iambananas
keep it up!
4/6/2012 c1 simplynothingtosay
Two prompt ideas for chapter two:


4/6/2012 c1 24Camilla10
Now, who the hell is this person being transformed? Not Edward (Canon Edward would not quote Frost). Canon Bella might, but I don't think she would, in the circumstances of BD. Are you going AU, very AU then? Or the person is not Bella? (I can't think of any interesting canonic human who could throught the flames and quote Frost - Gianna could be interesting, but she would quote Ungaretti, or Quasimodo). OK, then it is Bella, and she is being changed - Is she in the Volturi's clutches? Very well then, my pompt is

4/6/2012 c1 jjohnson78587
Well, I'm game.

I'm not very creative, though.

But I know that there are many wonderfully creative readers out there that will come up with inspiring prompts for you, katinki.

I'm looking forward to this.
4/6/2012 c1 4Soleil2Much
Love the idea!

I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs:


Looking forward to your project,

4/6/2012 c1 zombiexbunny
Fun :)

For now, I'll just say great start (I really like the visual I get in my head of Edward's painful transformation) and leave a prompt.

Prompt: Salacious
4/6/2012 c1 Shahula
This is maybe the best fanfic idea ever. And also, the craziest. So glad you thought of it, and I'm looking forward to how this plays out. With you at the helm, I see good things in the future.

Prompt: horizon
4/6/2012 c1 zazasant
I don't have a prompt suggestion but just wanted to say that only in your brilliant hands could this crazy plan be executed! Can't wait to see how this develops!
4/6/2012 c1 24Maplestyle
Ohhhhhhhhh what a good excercise! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

I give you just popped into my head, I can't explain it :D
4/6/2012 c1 2TwiTwiAgain
Birthday voices
4/6/2012 c1 2lisamichelle17
Fires up iTunes =D

Life is Beautiful by Vega4

This is going to be so much fun =D
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