Just In
for Fic on the Fly

7/15/2019 c22 1divyvicki
Oops indeed!
7/15/2019 c21 divyvicki
Oh no Edward, what did u do?
7/5/2019 c19 divyvicki
So the plot thickens!
6/15/2019 c17 divyvicki
Hope she lets him help her!
6/15/2019 c16 divyvicki
That was interesting!
5/31/2019 c12 divyvicki
Hmm, Bella the Vampire Slayer?
5/8/2019 c7 divyvicki
Well, that was interesting!
4/16/2019 c3 divyvicki
Interesting concept! Can’t wait to see what u come up with!
4/16/2019 c1 divyvicki
This was a favorite author alert. Can’t wait to read more.
12/24/2018 c20 MiaLuthor
New word for me " patent impossibility" means clearly a lie. Where are you from that folk use this term?
8/15/2018 c58 Valya 001
Wow! This was like amazing! I really loved this Edward and loved this version of twilight even better! The ending was fabulous! Thanks for sharing such a great story with us .
8/9/2018 c58 TexasTwilight77
Definitely one of my favorites!
4/10/2018 c24 helenemc
I usually wait to finish a complete story before leaving a review, but this Edward is bringing tears to my eyes from laughter. Thank you.
3/2/2018 c51 Beaverslap
I don’t understand why Bella doesn’t go out there armed with a couple of blowtorches instead of a rifle. Seems that would be more effective.
12/19/2017 c58 15winterhorses
Great story, and very funny! Loved the twist about Charlie at the end. Thanks for writing!
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