Just In
for Fic on the Fly

11/15/2014 c58 4SarcasticBimbo
This was really light and funny and I liked it a lot. Great work, Katinki!
11/10/2014 c58 helenemc
I had so much fun reading this story. Thank you for all the laughs. Bella was awesome. She did not take crap from anyone. Being in Edward's mind was hilarious funny. Talk about being whipped, by a human no less. Loved it all. Thank you.
11/10/2014 c36 helenemc
When I begin a complete story, I usually do not review until the end. However, I had to stop and tell you that being in this Edward's head is a wonderful experience and a hoot. The humor comes through his every thought. I love your take on the Twilight theme and your writing.
10/28/2014 c58 Leprakans
I loved this! Perfect!
10/5/2014 c58 Sharon
This story needs real sex!
9/17/2014 c58 Guest
Loved this story. Thank you for writing.
9/8/2014 c58 63hippogriff-tamer
I enjoyed this experiment as you call it. It was fun seeing different take where Bella knew about vampires and wasn't immediately drawn to Edward..thanks for sharing!
9/1/2014 c58 2lulu2
That was fun! And I didn't notice any problems by the way. Thanks!
9/1/2014 c57 2lulu2
Poor Charlie
9/1/2014 c53 2lulu2
9/1/2014 c58 irelandk
8/31/2014 c47 2lulu2
I love all the attitude.:)
8/30/2014 c38 2lulu2
I don't get why Victoria even knows about the Cullen's. Shouldn't she be attacking La Push?
8/30/2014 c35 2lulu2
That was cool!
8/30/2014 c26 2lulu2
Still awesome. Just insert that review each chapter. :)
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