Just In
for Eye of the Hurricane

3/29/2013 c5 cherrywhite
Cant wait till you update!
6/22/2012 c5 Dark3ch03
Write the next chapter please. My sister and I love this story!
5/25/2012 c5 27KHLostEmpress
Oh, yes. This is going to go all downhill soon.

Great chapter!
5/25/2012 c5 1San Wolves
Lovely chapter. I can't wait to read the next one.
5/7/2012 c4 27KHLostEmpress
Oh, man. I can see this all going downhill really fast. Update soon!
5/7/2012 c4 1San Wolves
Lovely chapter. I can't wait to read the next one. Good luck with the next chapter.
4/25/2012 c3 4Lovelinelivelong639
I LOVE this! pease udpate soon! PPLLEEAASSEE!
4/24/2012 c3 1San Wolves
Oh this was a great chapter. I like how the digidestined talked and how TK... or rather Patamon now has to take a life a another innocent digimon. I hope they can make this convincing and I can't wait to see what TK does.

Well good luck on the next chapter.
4/23/2012 c3 27KHLostEmpress
Yeah, thought that might crop up sooner or later...

Still, what's he going to do? I can't wait to see!
4/23/2012 c3 2PAS-15
TK is going to kill him right?
4/23/2012 c3 18.NekoMimi.27
Oh my god, Tk has no choice now =0

I really liked the way Datamon thinks our world works, very creative ^^

Update soon *-*

I want to know what Tk will do, he wouldn't kill an inocent digimon like that but he can't just give up now, he will be in danger =/
4/12/2012 c2 PAS-15
Great like to see where this goes.
4/11/2012 c2 1San Wolves
Oh that was a great chapter. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Good luck with it.
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