Just In
for Insane Eddie

5/4/2012 c5 Lilydukes
Lose this chapter! please update soon!
5/4/2012 c1 Lilydukes
I love this story, could you please do longer chaps or quicker updates!
4/23/2012 c5 5overdramatic comedian
Yay! Esme!

I was starting to think about half way through "Wait... Wasn't Edwaed covered in blood?" Then I read Esme's thoughts and I became quite happy that you actually acknowledge the fine details that happened in the previous chapters. A lt of authors don't.

Great chapter, BTW. I'm excited for the next one. I wonder what Bella will say about Mike's death.
4/22/2012 c5 cbmorefie
Thanks for the update!
4/22/2012 c5 3Lilithcase39girl
dang esme is smart but we all know that
4/22/2012 c5 MissMartha
Thanks for the update. Can't wait for more
4/22/2012 c5 melissamary55
love it and will edward tell esme about bella or has he already told her also if edward get in troble will esme cover for him even if is murder update soon
4/22/2012 c5 tiffyboocullenjonas
wow that was great loved it
4/15/2012 c4 melissamary55
really good story and edward is so creepy update soon
4/15/2012 c4 cbmorefie
Great update!
4/15/2012 c4 4Lil' Twiheart
I think eric should find out about mike dieing before edward can get a chance to get to bella and eric take it as an oupertunity to have bella. then erics parents go on a special date for their anaversary and edward finds out.
4/15/2012 c4 Tiffany
Loved the update good job. Would that mean he would kill her dad if he tried to come between them,Wonder how she is gonna feel when she finds out he is gone hopefully she won't blame herself
4/15/2012 c4 5overdramatic comedian
Awesome chapter! I'm kind of worried what is going to happen next, though.

(Is that the preface I saw at the end of the chapter?) lol jk I know it is :)

Also, will we see Esme in the story? She was mentioned early in Chapter 2, but there hasn't been any interaction with her.(Please have her in the next chapter!) *puppy dog face*
4/15/2012 c4 3Lilithcase39girl
i lovev this awesome story
4/15/2012 c4 tiffyboocullenjonas
Wow that was great loved it
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