Just In
for Ain't it Funny

6/3/2002 c1 Hikaru R. Kudou
X-cellent! I'm glad everything turns out well for megane-kun-love that RuHana bit! *chuckles*
5/28/2002 c1 3dientore
yu-chan, i like the sweet..
5/28/2002 c1 9icko14
Awww.. That was so sweet! I love Mitsui! He's my fave character! I love how he and Kogure are paired up... A reformed gangster and a nice innocent guy gets together! Ahhh... So romantic! Don't you think so? :P
5/28/2002 c1 16sky75rk
HEY! i didn't know you were only 13... well, if that IS your real age, i mean, many people change their age and all...(JOKES! i meant no offense..)

nyways, great work on the fic...

can you write a nuriko/hotohori fic? i'd really like to see how you'd make Hotohori like Nuriko...

5/27/2002 c1 7oriquey
...This is very nicely written...I really like it...*beams*I see you've been pretty busy ne?Excellent job watashi no otomodachi!*glompies*
5/27/2002 c1 2Isami-chan1 sweet! I never thought of a FujiKo before, but I'm glab this fics ends with a MitKo. And the RuHana part was funny. And you chose a perfect song! And it's one of my favorites. Well, I'm ending my review here, MitKo & RuHana RuleZ! hehe.

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