Just In
for the empty spaces in my heart

9/11/2013 c3 186merdarkandtwisty
9/11/2013 c2 merdarkandtwisty
nice really hate Vic can you do one with Teddy/Lily and Lucy but where Lily wins.
9/11/2013 c1 merdarkandtwisty
so sad and now I hate Rose. That's ok she's always been my second lest fav after Victorie.
5/14/2012 c1 everycastlecrumbles
This was so breathtakingly beautiful. I love this part

as your heart

c r a c k s

cleanly down the middle

but no.

it's not c l e a n at all.

rip and s h a t t e r

scream and crash

I never really cared much about these pairings but I fell in love with this fic.
4/15/2012 c1 3anonymous23.19
I don't think I've ever read freeverse before but I really enjoyed this. The language you used is amazing, really fits the scene. I like the characters you used as well, I like the freedom you have with the NextGen.

Well done!
4/14/2012 c1 2thestorythatshewrote
Really cute,your use of bold, italicize and capitalization of characters/words was very well done. If anything,you might have used a few too many parentheses, but overall very good story, and very realistic ending with a touch of fantasy due to the rhyme. :)
4/11/2012 c1 12TheDarkSideDoesItBetter
I love this. I honest to god, love this.

It's so beautiful and poetic and so tragic.

I don't even like lily but..I can even. It was just wonderful

My favorite part was probably the last bit :


And a whispered plea

( I love you but you don't love me)

Write more please :)

-Alice xx
4/11/2012 c1 bexasaurous
OMG, this is so amazing! you are such a genius! :)
4/10/2012 c1 violetrose
Heart-breakingly good. I like! You should right more about other pairings as this is good. I think there should be more reviews as there is more than 2 people who have read this. Keep it up, i like poems :)
4/10/2012 c1 3Disk 9
Awww. That's so sad! I like how you used a lot of figurative language. My favorite line was probably:

she got the p r i z e

you got the heartache

and he got the

b e a u t i f u l girl that you never were.

because it's just so sweet and sad. Nice job, looking forward to what you have next! ^_^

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