Just In
for Unmatched

6/21/2013 c5 1Slippin Dang Son of a Mother
I hope you get better soon...Don't worry about updating too much, your health is more important. Maybe you should go to the therapist but your mom shouldn't have got angry with you when your already under depression and such (No offense but sometimes moms are really impossible sometimes, personal experience, don't ask)
6/21/2013 c5 Shadowhunter76
You have a good story
6/21/2013 c3 3Dubhe Epsilon
Your chapter had a few historical inaccuracies.

1) Rome came after Greece. They were not at their respective peaks at the same time.

2) You portray Rome conquering Greece during the Empire period, where Rome was ruled by a emperor. Rome conquered Greece far earlier, in the Republic period, where the Senate ruled Rome.

3) Greece was a set of city-states that shared a distinct culture and religion in ancient times. It was never under the rule of one king.

4) 'Greece' was never an empire, though some of its city-states controlled what could be considered small 'empires'.

5) Romans didn't have castles. Castles were medieval. They did have fortresses, but that was for armies, not royalty.

6) To my knowledge, the Romans didn't have harems and concubines. They had pleasure slaves, and sexually abused slaves that were women or young boys, and there were brothels, but I don't think they were organized into harems or called concubines.

All in all, it was interesting, but I wish you had done a bit more research. Then again, I can be over fussy on these things, as I love ancient history, and I can get annoyed with published historical fiction. Still, good job. Thanks for reading this review and writing the story.
6/21/2013 c5 orangeJuic3Box
Get better soon!
6/21/2013 c5 12Mandi2341
Oh my gosh. That's so terrible. Just remember, life is alright. I'm going to be cheesy and give you a "Keep calm and carry on," alright? I'm sure you're beautiful, and you're talented (obviously you have to be, just from what I've read of this story so far) :D And just because a plate's broken doesn't mean it can't be fixed. You'll pull through, Lauren! You're in my prayers!
6/21/2013 c5 Harmonic Bunny
Hope you can update soon and get better! :)
6/21/2013 c5 old deleted account
Oh my gosh. I really hope you got better. :( eating disorders...You just need to fight.
6/21/2013 c5 Dolphincatalyst601
Feel Better i'll be thinking about you. And good choice of a favorite Disney movie Mulan is simply the best :)
6/21/2013 c5 2Meepmeep123
I'm really sorry to hear you've been struggling! That sounds terrible, and no one should have to go through that. I hope you're feeling better soon, and the Mulan idea sounds super awesome!
6/21/2013 c1 Otakusofia
I wanna see a toga!
6/21/2013 c5 legendariium
I never dealt with anyone in this situation personally, so I apologize profusely if this doesn't make you feel slightly better whatsoever. I'm sorry about what you're dealing with right now, and I hope you get back on your feet soon. Although I may like, perhaps even love, this story a lot, I understand that you need your own personal time. Hope you feel better. (:
6/21/2013 c5 Honeybee
I was kind of like you at one point in my life. I didn't like talking because I was afraid of how I looked to other people and sounded. Just remember this their will be a gate way to help you through this. Mine was going to a school where I knew no one and met my best friends. Start little and end big. I suggest you go camping with your best friend in your back yard. Then progress back to the mall. But just so you know camping food is gross.
6/21/2013 c5 2ya-aburnee
I know this doesn't exactly makes anything better, but I'm sorry about what you're going through right now. Believe me, I know how you feel. It always gets better, though, trust me. Just keep your head up and remember that there are people that love you and support you, no matter how hopeless and alone you feel. Think happy thoughts! :D

As for the story, let me just say that you made me appreciate Piper so much more!
6/21/2013 c5 Guest
This is one of my favorite jiper stories, and I totally get whats going on... Btw therapists can be quite helpful. So I just want to say that you were so nice in your authors note and I will keep waiting for the HOS Mula, and an update to Unmatched.

6/21/2013 c5 Guest
I went through what your going through now. Stay strong you can make it. Don't give up! I know sometimes it takes everything you have to keep going but just keep holding out for the light at the end of the tunnel. You can make it through this.
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