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for Mirror, Mirror

5/31 c1 rachelcatgirlxd
this was...amazing, I cried all morning reading this.
5/16/2022 c1 vicky324
Lucy calling puck daddy-o makes me snort laugh every time, no matter how many times I’ve already read it
12/30/2020 c1 4lucasbrice
I was a bit apprehensive reading in second person because I don't usually do that, it's not appealing to me, And it can get awfully confusing sometimes. But the way you did it kind of reminds me why I sometimes do try to read second person because it's so much more easier to picture being in the shoes of someone who is in someone else's shoes.

I mean I can't say the story wasnt confusing at times, but that doesn't really matter because of the context of what was happening and I think you may be confused. If so, good job.

I love the friendship you built up with Quinn and Lucy, her reconnecting with her self as she is currently SPOILERS in a coma. And how in her dream state Lucy tries to be with Rachel and it's the one thing that ends up connecting both versions of herself, Lucy Quinn Fabray being gay. Having Quinn wake up to the moment of her doing something for Rachel's happiness no matter Quinn's own brings that out even more.

I just loved this story so much and I'm glad I gave it a chance.
8/25/2020 c1 bidyys
Absolutely brilliant...maybe a little bit confusing at the beginning, but only because of the complexity of the story. It is gratifying that the writer is so willing to share their talent, heart, and empathy. I hope you continue to write and share.
1/23/2020 c1 fabrayctrl
This is the most incredible plot I've seen in a while. I'm literally speechless at this whole story. I've cried and laughed and so many other feels what an incredible ride. Thank you so much
10/24/2019 c1 Guest
Rereading Faberry fics here and I have to say, this is one of the craziest stories out there, with the back and forth between Quinn and Lucy and not knowing how it’s all going to turn out, but manages to also be so deep and heartbreaking at the same time. And Lucy is so precious! So naive and innocent but exactly what Quinn needed, who in turn just wanted to protect Lucy from her mistakes and reality. Great story!
6/24/2019 c1 vicky324
Oh my fecking god this is pure genius. And I have abs from laughing now so thank you
2/18/2019 c1 Horseshoefijzer
Wow, well firstly i want to say that for so,e reason this took three hours for me to that normal? Also damn this was so nice to read, I like that a big portion was about the romance with Rachel but the story was mainly focused on Quinn and Lucy and Quinn’s growth. Also that ending was honestly a shock, I really wasn’t expecting it. I honestly loved this fic, so much, it was an absolute joy to read.
7/23/2018 c1 15GypsySoul05
sobbing...what a wonderful story! thank you so much for this emotional rollercoaster!
4/26/2018 c1 Guest
Such a lovely well written story:)
12/5/2017 c1 Cal
I dont know if you still check this or anything. But iv just fallen back into a faberry phase and omg this story is still one of my favourites. Its so fucking beautifully written. And so fun to follow and I always forget that shes actually in the hospital after the car accident that it hits ke like a...he truck. But seriously ur amazing and this was great
8/22/2017 c1 keepcalmnstfu
That was one of the most insane and amazing fanfictions i've read in my life. INCREDIBLE
3/2/2017 c1 itstartedwithfaberry
This is truly beautiful. I feel honoured to have read this.
2/3/2017 c1 9mythic-lionheart
I really enjoyed reading this. Some of it cracked me up but really enjoyed it. Thanks for writing it!
12/9/2016 c1 SpurBoy
Barely confusing, mostly just adorable! Thanks.
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