Just In
for Coming to Terms

2/9 c8 blb1000
1/9 c28 AbK
Love this story and didn’t want it to finish, would you do more chapters about this family please. Thank you abk
10/27/2024 c26 sue1zide
Good luck with your IUD. I had my fourth child with an IUD in place and my third child was conceived while I was on the pill.
8/31/2024 c9 Neapinea
My god, Bella just has to ask him if he wants to be involved or not, and if not she can just move on and not have to deal with Edward’s cruel behavior. If he does want to be involved she does not have to interact with the exception of arranging visitation.. This just feels unnecessarily drawn out.
6/13/2024 c28 Knit Bit
I loved this story. Thank you so much for reposting it.

11/1/2022 c28 MyPseudonyms
Loved this story! Thank you for sharing !
7/26/2022 c1 KyloRen'sgirl213
Loving this very much
7/4/2022 c28 2Yulika
Amazing story. Thank you for your work
6/17/2022 c28 VryUnique
Awesome story, thanks for sharing.
Edward should have been straight with Charlie about it being a two way street.
What happened to Elizabeth, would have loved to see her shut down.
6/17/2022 c27 VryUnique
Awww….. awesome! Are they married?
6/17/2022 c26 VryUnique
Does Mike’s mom own the company and Laurent just running it? I hope so. He should have taken it back and opened another office in Seattle.
6/17/2022 c25 VryUnique
6/17/2022 c24 VryUnique
Huh…wow…didn’t expect that. It’s hard to believe it was all a set up to get Mike and Bella together.
6/17/2022 c23 VryUnique
Yah! I hope Laurent gets taken down. I also wouldn’t mind see Jessica get thrown out on her ass, Lauren also.
6/17/2022 c22 VryUnique
Bitch! I am surprised though, I thought for sure Jessica’s comment was going to be how Bella was carrying Mike’s kid.
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