Just In
for Beautiful Voice

2/23/2013 c1 Maria Smith
I love this story so much! update please!
2/2/2013 c3 Guest
1/4/2013 c4 Guest
8/25/2012 c5 sheila j. tarant
i can sing...
8/25/2012 c4 sheila j. tarant
i have a nice voice for you...
6/21/2012 c6 2Rose Thourn
Will someone explain to me whats going on!
6/3/2012 c5 7RandomWriter57
Cool story so far!

I'd say your portrayal of the states is well done but I know next to nothing about the states of America :L they're still cool anyway :)

I like this story, keep it up!

RandomWriter57 ( ワ )7*salutes you*
5/6/2012 c4 2ChasingCinderella
Yay new chapter~

What? Your not going to update for a while? Nnooooooo!
4/25/2012 c2 16Lunar Iris
Your usage of songs is really neat. Are you going to do that throughout the story? It could either be really good or distracting.

I look forward to seeing where you go with this. I like it so far.

However, you might want to come up with a different way to refer to Amelia, because "fem!America" gets a bit awkward to read after a while. I wish I could recommend something else for you to use, but the only thing coming to my mind is her human name, which I really like.
4/23/2012 c2 2ChasingCinderella
Great chapter, I love that song you put in there!

Could you tell me what law was passed in arizona, and what it does?( like you could put it in your next chapter, or something.) I was thinking it was the law about abortion. I'm I wrong?

I can't wait to find out what happens next! keep writing awesome storys. :)

4/21/2012 c1 xxLuckyAlyCatxx
Oh my goodness.. ;o; this was sooo beautiful and the song went amazingly well together with this.Plus the way you made England sing the last bit of the song was just..just...perfect~! It really tugged on my heart strings x'). I really wish for you to continue~ 3 :'3 PLZ continue it! and thank you~
4/20/2012 c1 ChasingCinderella
please continue!

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