Just In
for Bodyguard of Azula

12/24/2024 c1 journeyman3929
not one post about Azulas clean feet? im am just shocked at all the anons here
11/20/2024 c6 6SonarTex43
I hope you're not going to turn Naruto into a villain. He's not a villain.
11/2/2024 c1 GiggityCoo


This fic is such unbridled dogshit lmao. You basically turned Naruto into an insufferable asshole to almost everyone except Zuko (for some fucking reason), Sokka (another designated Gary Stu now) and Azula - The girl who he's supposed to be bodyguarding (which he barely actually does btw.) And made him into a huge murder happy hypocrite (telling Azula she should be friendlier to others while again, acting like a huge insufferable asshole to everyone except his other fellow author mouthpieces) Yet, somehow he's not even the worst part of this fic. Sokka is another massive Gary Stu like Naruto despite having some of the most in your face character flaws in ATLA canon, blatant misogyny being just one of them. But by far the characters you've done the worst are Katara and ESPECIALLY Aang. Katara is essentially turned into a huge punching bag for other characters to mock, mostly her formerly sexist brother (great character writing btw, totally NOT sexist). But Aang is, BY FAR, done the worst. Naruto mocks and calls him a coward for running away from his people's genocide MULTIPLE TIMES, and is treated as being right for doing so (no Aang didn't run away from his people's genocide, he ran away because he was afraid of his duties as the Avatar as a literal 12 year old CHILD and had no idea that a genocide was about to happen, only that war MIGHT be happening, you fucking moron.) Naruto also mocks his people's culture and way of life, and again faces NO repercussions for being a massive piece of SHIT to Aang for basically no reason. There would almost no difference if Naruto were to mock Sasuke for failing to kill Itachi for exterminating his whole clan, and MOCKED the way his family lived. Naruto in this fic is such an irredeemable asshole it almost makes me want to write a fic where he gets shat on for no reason and gets bashed the way Aang got bashed for no reason. But that's no even the worst of how Aang gets treated in this fic. the entire purpose of the avatar is act as a counterbalance for the world when it is thrown out of balance. Having a counter balance for the counterbalance doesn't even make sense. The Paragons also invalidate the existence of the avatar completely by virtue of how OP they are. If a single paragon can force the avatar out of the avatar state then why are there four? Its just overkill. That's without mentioning how Paragons can lead to an endless game of who answers to who? If the avatars answer to the paragons who answer to Sifu, then who does Sifu answer to? And who do they answer to? And so on. In ATLA canon, the world leaders representing the people and the spirits of the spirit world both answer to the Avatar - who answers to no one since its their role to judge and deem whatever necessary action to keep the world in balance. Sure they're flawed human beings but that's part of what makes them so interesting - A deity incarnated in human flesh. Lastly, the worst aspect of this fic is how it treats bending as a combat and power system. First of all, The Avatar in this story is essentially completely invalidated since they're no longer the strongest being on the planet as we all know Naruto characters are way stronger than ATLA ones, and the paragons exist to prevent the Avatar from doing whatever. But bending in general is also treated like ass for whatever reason as Naruto says its too predictable, and since we know that you're such a NarutoFag dickrider he's right despite this being bullshit. Benders aren't predictable at all since the abilities are derived from their own constitution as a bender is naturally going to as strong as they let themselves become - hence the various styles and subsets of bending. Benders are also allowed to be as creative as they want with their abilities - something you missed because you wanted to dickride Sokka.

So yeah, Go fuck yourself narutofag and write better shit lmao.
10/17/2024 c1 ThatBoyReviewer
I've seen at lot of back fanfics over the couple of years I have read them, but this one may just take the cake. I read the first chapter and kept going hoping it would get better but it doesn't. This line about Aang being a murderer and a coward is a load of bullshit considering a few things.

1) He was unaware of what was going on since he was trapped under the ice for over a century.

2) He couldn't possibly have done anything against the fire nation since he was a single airbender against an entire nation, he certainly would've been killed

3) Mostly importantly...HE'S A FUCKING KID! A TWELEVE YEAR OLD CHILD!?
10/9/2024 c9 Guest
So far I'm enjoying this crossover only thing that gets me is naruto shoulda been forced to tell azula exactly whats going on since his past is endangering her safety. Not a very good body guard but I'm not half way through story. That being said still a very good story so far thank you.
10/4/2024 c42 Rendou
"He can't just take a life like that"

Kyoshi: I call fucking bullshit!
10/1/2024 c14 Rendou
Again, Aang is so naive. But I know e is a kid and all but he seriously needs stop being oppurtunistic about everything... Team Asuma and the other shinobi would not care thay Aang is the Avatar, they have different ideals and beliefs.
9/30/2024 c9 Rendou
Aang is so damn niave! Smh
9/30/2024 c5 Rendou
Now Naruto knows how Sasuke felt when he was dealing with fangirls LMFAOOO
9/20/2024 c53 dastewie2012
I love that tobi makes a valid argument
8/3/2024 c6 Guest
voy por el capitulo 6, y no me gusta mucho, no lo encuentro mucho sentido al cabio que le distes a sokka quisiera ver un poco de trasfondo con que vio la realidad en la isla kyoshi o algo asi y ese tal sifu que es el primer paragon no me gusto mucho lo que hizo en este capitulo con Naruto, si hubiera dicho que era un aviso o que ellos vendrĂ­an por el seria diferente pero echarle la culta por lo que esta pasando y todos por que quiso irse de konoha no me parece justo
6/9/2024 c73 AllSunAndGames
This was AWESOME. Thank you so much for telling the story, it was a delight. I read this story a few years back and finally got around to signing up (how's that for procrastination?) Have a great day, Jules
5/29/2024 c34 Martianwonderflash
3/29/2024 c73 Yozumiku
Overall a very nice fanfiction considering it's an old fic. Although, I don't quite get the finale of the fic, it would be cool if the Fourth Great Ninja War happened and Gaang and Azula along with Naruto where there. Well the fic is old and didn't reach the FGNW arc so I can understand that, but it woild be nice if you actually written a long war arc rather than the fight we got.

For the record, I hate that we didn't get enough AzulaxNaruto scene, the pairing is a bit uncomfortable to read sometimes because of the lackluster development we got from Naruto and the sudden change in Azula's personality.

8.5/10 Story would recommend.

Side note: If you have the time your can rewrite it, because of the development we got from Boruto and the FGNW. I would like to read the Paragon of Korra but its a loong fic and I dont quite have the time to read it, I'm sure that it's a great fic again.
3/21/2024 c73 1bigchill14r
this story was awesome untill you made it into a atory where everything is sun shine and rainbows and Naruto forgivs everbody thsi sis not right get better at making a good story you suck and this is disgusting
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