Just In
for Ratchet & Clank challenge

11/2/2017 c1 F1n
I accept. I'll do: R and C with Naruto and Harry Potter. Will take a while though.
11/3/2013 c1 54Jurabi Therion
I accept your challenge; in fact, I already planned on making a Ratchet and Clank, Naruto crossover. It's a parody where Ino is the main protagonist. I'm working on it right now.
10/24/2012 c1 52Fan of Fanfics
Oh, So on top of this one lol. Naruto cross with Ratchet and Clank? Naruto with Shinobi skills and a boatload of Gadgetron tech? I'll do a story. I would probably place it near the start of Up your Arsenal, and pair Naruto with Cap. Sasha Phyronix...Let me see what I can do.

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