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for Sons and Daughter of the dead, the sea and the sky

2/5/2015 c25 Guest
how dare you not update!
1/28/2015 c1 Guest
Percy is turned into a dog, Nico and Thalia watch him. MERCILESS TEASING
1/22/2015 c25 bookworm author
Capture the flag, camp against the three
1/17/2015 c25 PoseidonPrince
upto now it is good.. my idea is if we can change this to a percy/artemis/annabeth story. accepted 3 way love and thalico if possbile and put limit on 3's powers so story could have an returns?
1/14/2015 c23 Guest
No more chaos stories please
1/14/2015 c23 Guest
Truth or Dare, monster attack, stolls prank them and now they are out for revenge on the stolls, capture the flag/ big 3 win in 5min or less, ares cabin hates(or loves, that could be entertaining) percy, Aphrodite cabin flirting, trip to mall, Blackjack starts teasing everyone, Annabeth starts getting on their nerves
1/5/2015 c25 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.

Will Percy still get Mrs. O'Leary? I hope he does.
12/30/2014 c25 unbeatable squirrel-girl
I have some ideas:
-Some person at camp is jealous of Percy and tries to kill him
- Hera consulting Susan Grace
-Jason, Piper, and Leo coming into the story
-A threat (like Kronos or Gaia) surfaces and kidnaps Percy, Thalia, and Nico and hurts them
I hope these ideas help your muse thrive!
12/10/2014 c25 Kat Woman
Forgot about Nico. He could summon some awesome skeletal warriors.
12/10/2014 c25 Guest
They could play Capture the Flag and get attacked. That way Percy could show of his power over water and could cause a small earthquake. Thalia could use lightning and shoot some arrows, like the master of archery she is.
11/30/2014 c25 3SubDraco
How about addin chaos in the story. Say that why percy is so powerful is because he the heir of chaos. And have chaos claim him.
11/21/2014 c25 Esther Coutio
¿Qué te parece que aparezca un monstruo en el que Percy, Thalía y Nico muestren sus habilidades adquiridas por su entrenamiento en el Olimpo? ¿Qué el monstruo con el que se enfrentan posea a Percy? La verdad, desde "La Marca de Athena" tengo muchas ganas de ver a Percy malo. En cerio, realmente malo, tan malo que Thalía, Nico y los otros integrantes del Argo II se vean obligados a sacar todo su potencial al enfrentarse contra Percy.
Se leerá extraño, pero también quiero que un integrante del Argo II se muera. Tengo un lado sádico que este fic no ha llenado (no me mal entiendas, me gusta tu fic, pero para mi opinión le falta sangre).
¿Has leído "La Casa de Hades"? Podrías usar para la versión de Percy malo la parte en que controla el veneno.
Te recomiendo que empieces a publicar tu historia cuando tengas como 10 o más capítulos adelantados, así ya no tendrás la presión de escribir para cierta fecha "x". También que tengas un tiempo de publicación cada 2 meses, así tendrás suficiente tiempo para escribir los nuevos capítulos.
11/18/2014 c21 Guest
"the devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steel..."
Johnny gets a a FIDDLE, not a VIOLIN.
10/25/2014 c25 bri
you should do Susan coming back and stumbling into thalia percy and nico while they are on a quest with annabeth Grover and luke
10/23/2014 c23 Guest
Great story!
(btw, grannie's dog does not bite)
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