3/27/2014 c1 Guest
Wow sad yet intense I love it
Wow sad yet intense I love it
10/20/2013 c1 1minatochan2
This is so sad but so awesome! It's really true and definitely deserves more favs!
This is so sad but so awesome! It's really true and definitely deserves more favs!
8/16/2012 c1 deactivatedaccounthere
I don't even know what the hell this show is about but I looked at reviews and saw that you don't like Famber so I clicked surfed your did an awesome job though.I cannot lie.I hope you try to make more Auslly fans would love you!
I don't even know what the hell this show is about but I looked at reviews and saw that you don't like Famber so I clicked surfed your did an awesome job though.I cannot lie.I hope you try to make more Auslly fans would love you!