5/24/2024 c63 antipyro
Such an amazing story and wonderfully written.
Thank you for writing this for us.
Such an amazing story and wonderfully written.
Thank you for writing this for us.
5/18/2024 c1 antipyro
Love your writing! Easy to read and understand, great spelling and grammar too. Story is compelling.
Love your writing! Easy to read and understand, great spelling and grammar too. Story is compelling.
5/15/2024 c17 zenmasterlover
I haven’t been able to put this story dow all day! Im such a sucker for hurt/comfort and this is by far my favorite ive come across. Its slow, but im actually enjoying the pace which is surprising! I love this little blurb we get to see with Rose and Wisp. Rose is definitely my favorite character out of the Cullen clan surprisingly and her backstory and just her personality in general always interests me
I haven’t been able to put this story dow all day! Im such a sucker for hurt/comfort and this is by far my favorite ive come across. Its slow, but im actually enjoying the pace which is surprising! I love this little blurb we get to see with Rose and Wisp. Rose is definitely my favorite character out of the Cullen clan surprisingly and her backstory and just her personality in general always interests me
2/1/2024 c63 Jinx095
All I can day is WOW! I could not put my ohone down to stop reading this! So amazingly written and just overall an amazing story! I so wish that someone would have punched Tanya in the face, but I am glad that it all worked out in the end! Thank you for the incredible story!
All I can day is WOW! I could not put my ohone down to stop reading this! So amazingly written and just overall an amazing story! I so wish that someone would have punched Tanya in the face, but I am glad that it all worked out in the end! Thank you for the incredible story!
11/2/2023 c21
This is in no way a criticism but damn this all sucks! (as a frustrated reader)
It hurts so much every time they call her Wisp, even though the dont have another name to call her, but its like naming her after the worse version of herself! it makes me sad, but I get it.
And then during the pelvic exam! Plying her with candy, telling her its ok even though she doesnt think it is! The candy thing is something abusers do to children, its just so hard when the actions theyre doing "to" her are actually for her health.
I am so obsessed with this story rn.

This is in no way a criticism but damn this all sucks! (as a frustrated reader)
It hurts so much every time they call her Wisp, even though the dont have another name to call her, but its like naming her after the worse version of herself! it makes me sad, but I get it.
And then during the pelvic exam! Plying her with candy, telling her its ok even though she doesnt think it is! The candy thing is something abusers do to children, its just so hard when the actions theyre doing "to" her are actually for her health.
I am so obsessed with this story rn.
8/16/2023 c63 Agsters
I’ve had this story on my to-read list for a while, (particularly because the word count scared me, haha) Because fanfics with this high of a word count tend to be a hit or miss. But my gosh, when I tell you I finished this story in a recordbreaking 24 hours WITHOUT doing any of my notorious skimming over large bodies of text….. I COULD NOT put it down! As a psych major so much of the content resonated with my studies and what I’ve learned but also, so much resonated with me as just being a female human being. I loved the way WispEdward’s relationship progressed, while keeping the plot, her conditions and overall events fairly realistic. It’s a dark and scary world but I hold on to the hope that there are people like your Edward, Esme, Rose, Alice etc. for any and all the possible Wisps out there. Incredible writing, incredible amounts of knowledge has been put into this story! Stories like this are what keep my passion for reading fanfic alive. Amazing!
I’ve had this story on my to-read list for a while, (particularly because the word count scared me, haha) Because fanfics with this high of a word count tend to be a hit or miss. But my gosh, when I tell you I finished this story in a recordbreaking 24 hours WITHOUT doing any of my notorious skimming over large bodies of text….. I COULD NOT put it down! As a psych major so much of the content resonated with my studies and what I’ve learned but also, so much resonated with me as just being a female human being. I loved the way WispEdward’s relationship progressed, while keeping the plot, her conditions and overall events fairly realistic. It’s a dark and scary world but I hold on to the hope that there are people like your Edward, Esme, Rose, Alice etc. for any and all the possible Wisps out there. Incredible writing, incredible amounts of knowledge has been put into this story! Stories like this are what keep my passion for reading fanfic alive. Amazing!
7/18/2023 c63 Puzzler54
Wow what a deep, tragic but also beautiful story. I've hardly put my phone down in days! I'm glad there was a gap at the end before things changed. It. Even though the relationship was what it was, it wouldn't have been appropriate for it to have gone any further.
You definitely made me cry many a time but particularly when Ed cried when he found her upside down (no spoilers for readers but hopefully this makes sense to the author). Thank you for sharing the deep story.
Wow what a deep, tragic but also beautiful story. I've hardly put my phone down in days! I'm glad there was a gap at the end before things changed. It. Even though the relationship was what it was, it wouldn't have been appropriate for it to have gone any further.
You definitely made me cry many a time but particularly when Ed cried when he found her upside down (no spoilers for readers but hopefully this makes sense to the author). Thank you for sharing the deep story.
4/15/2023 c63 Guest
Okay, no seriously, when did Edward fall in love with her because she was his ward. He had a duty of care. There is no way he could just be with her after she got better this fast. Bella didn't even know who Bella was until the final chapter.
He should have let someone else take responsibility the second his feelings became sexual.
Edward just kept doing whatever he wanted in regards to Bella, taking advice only when it suited him. He didn't even get training for how to take care of Bella, so he was essentially grooming Bella.
As for Bella she learnt how to manipulate Edward because of the way he spoiled her. She may have matured and become of sound adult mind, but she was a spoilt one. No amount of trauma makes that okay.
And Edward spoilt Bella because he was never able to let go of the guilt he felt when he found her. How she was in the truck during poker. Edward himself should have gotten therapy. It seems his inability to say no Bella is the reason they hooked up in the end. Again, was that because of guilt? The unresolved emotions from that night or knowing what Bella experienced? Refusing to say no because of her experiences? If anything he should have said no to teach her boundaries. To teach Bella that no doesnt always have to be bad. No doesnt mean punished.
How to use no properly.
Edward and Bella should not have ended up together. They would have been better as friends in the end. Even brother and sister would have been better.
Okay, no seriously, when did Edward fall in love with her because she was his ward. He had a duty of care. There is no way he could just be with her after she got better this fast. Bella didn't even know who Bella was until the final chapter.
He should have let someone else take responsibility the second his feelings became sexual.
Edward just kept doing whatever he wanted in regards to Bella, taking advice only when it suited him. He didn't even get training for how to take care of Bella, so he was essentially grooming Bella.
As for Bella she learnt how to manipulate Edward because of the way he spoiled her. She may have matured and become of sound adult mind, but she was a spoilt one. No amount of trauma makes that okay.
And Edward spoilt Bella because he was never able to let go of the guilt he felt when he found her. How she was in the truck during poker. Edward himself should have gotten therapy. It seems his inability to say no Bella is the reason they hooked up in the end. Again, was that because of guilt? The unresolved emotions from that night or knowing what Bella experienced? Refusing to say no because of her experiences? If anything he should have said no to teach her boundaries. To teach Bella that no doesnt always have to be bad. No doesnt mean punished.
How to use no properly.
Edward and Bella should not have ended up together. They would have been better as friends in the end. Even brother and sister would have been better.
4/15/2023 c63 Guest
I read this story years ago. I dont know if I had read the ending. It was a Wip back then.
I have to say, while its well written, the ending is really problematic. I feel like Edward and Bella only ended up together because are Edward and Bella.
In this case I don't think that should have happened. It just feels really wrong. Maybe a few years down the line when Bella has lived and learnt more about life. Had a chance to explore and know herself more. Met new people outside the Cullens and people helping her.
May in a sequel... that way we get to see Bella become Bella not just because of Tanya.
Good writing otherwise.
I read this story years ago. I dont know if I had read the ending. It was a Wip back then.
I have to say, while its well written, the ending is really problematic. I feel like Edward and Bella only ended up together because are Edward and Bella.
In this case I don't think that should have happened. It just feels really wrong. Maybe a few years down the line when Bella has lived and learnt more about life. Had a chance to explore and know herself more. Met new people outside the Cullens and people helping her.
May in a sequel... that way we get to see Bella become Bella not just because of Tanya.
Good writing otherwise.
11/18/2022 c63 assimpleasthat
So tragic but at the same time beautiful. My heart ached all the time reading this, I couldn't help it, to be in Bellas shoes…not gonna lie i had to stop reading it for a while.
So tragic but at the same time beautiful. My heart ached all the time reading this, I couldn't help it, to be in Bellas shoes…not gonna lie i had to stop reading it for a while.
8/21/2022 c63 Just Sus
I read this story long ago when it was a WIP. I forgot what a hauntingly tragic, yet beautiful story it was. Your writing is so succinct, and I can't tell you how many times I cried, and laughed!
The future take was good... Bella is an amazing survivor! I do wish there had been a Wisp-POV of the 1st time she and Edward made love. I think that would have been interesting to hear from her.
I hope, over these past years since this unique story was written, that you have been able to overcome your own demons, and found a happy and peaceful life! Thank you for this incredible story. Sending light and love to you, Sus...
I read this story long ago when it was a WIP. I forgot what a hauntingly tragic, yet beautiful story it was. Your writing is so succinct, and I can't tell you how many times I cried, and laughed!
The future take was good... Bella is an amazing survivor! I do wish there had been a Wisp-POV of the 1st time she and Edward made love. I think that would have been interesting to hear from her.
I hope, over these past years since this unique story was written, that you have been able to overcome your own demons, and found a happy and peaceful life! Thank you for this incredible story. Sending light and love to you, Sus...