Just In
for Dares and Such

2/28/2024 c12 Some random guy on the interne
Have Misa meet Scar, aka Jugemu-jugemu Gokōnosurikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kūnerutokoroni-sumutokoro Yaburakōjino-burakōji Paipopaipo-paiponoshūringan Shūringanno-gūrindai Gūrindaino-ponpokopīno-ponpokonāno Chōkyūmeino-chōsuke, and have her try to read his name
6/21/2018 c10 7a5thKira
im jelly of you... TT
Why L?
8/14/2015 c12 Guest
Chapter 13. Make it happen.
3/29/2015 c3 Meowmart01
Nullmetal Alchemist reference... This story is officially awesome!
6/1/2014 c1 1AC Tea Time
This is sooooo goooooood! Write more plez! :D
2/4/2014 c12 12kuro12
this is funny...
ed- i dare you to dress like your self
roy- i dare you to dress as roy mustang
everyone- i dear you to let all the cats go into central.
al-what is you fav short rant?
van (ed's and al's dad)- i dear you to tell everyone about how father came to be
meas- i dare you to burn all your pic's
ed/roy- i dare you to two french kiss for 45 min's
meas- i dare you to tack a pic of ed and roy kissing
riza- i dare you to burn all your gun's
L- i dare you to eat no sweet's hor 2 chapter's
cn313- i dare you to give up on the rest of the hugs from ed
light- what is you name?
roy- i dare you to burn all your gloves
light- what is your fav color?
roy- how many kids do you think you might have?
ed- what is your best memory of you father?
al-why do you feel the need to being cat's into the dorm room's when there are people that can dye from you doing that? is it that you really want them to dye?
roy- you look funny with a mustache.
father- why do you want to become god?
winry- why does you dog have a atomail lag?
light- what will you get if you take the year cn313 was born and add up all the number's until you get one number?
L-do you know what happened to your mother and father?
riza-why are you so terger happer? (why do you love guns so much?)
hovce- i dare you to not smock for 4 chapter's
fma people- do you know how many of you are Orphan's?
everyone- dose anyone else find it a little hard to believe that all alchemist's are scientists?
ed- i dare you to sing brother's by vic mignogna.
roy- what are your true feel's for edward?
everyone- do you hate me?
1/7/2014 c12 2WanderingWatermelon
Riza- command your dog to attack Mustang... And he's not allowed to fight back!
11/3/2013 c5 fruitsbasketnerd
11/3/2013 c3 fruitsbasketnerd
Ed: sing the waffle song with L
L: get unlimited waffles after they sing
Roy: dance around in a tutu and sing "i'm a little teapot" dramatically
Riza: let Chibi huggles Hayate
Light: act like Batman the entire chapter
Misa: become pikachu
11/3/2013 c1 fruitsbasketnerd
Omfg L offered you cake?! I'm so jelly!
7/26/2013 c12 Orochi's Child
Hello, let the fun begin
Ed and Al: you must have a kitten fight
Envy: MARRY ME! and meet my other husbands, Dark Pit, Ludwig von Koopa, Shadow the Hedgehog, Mephiles the Dark, and Shadow Link
L: Watch Death Note
Father: Here's a ton of Philosopher Stones my father (Orochi from Okami) Created-Dammit Crimson Helm, stop eating all the fish- use them as you wish
Roy: Here's 9000 gallons of milk, give it all to Ed
Kimblee: Here's a endless supply of Dynamite, now you can blow things up forever.
7/15/2013 c12 6Pachimew
And by neko I mean real, authentic cat ears and tail and fangs and retractable claws.
Also, I want to come on so I can glomp Light, Ed, L, and Al.
Also also, I'm giving Al ALL of Greece's cats. ALL of them.
OH! And L and Light must cosplay as each other.
And Karkat and John and Ed have to have a who's the shortest contest before you turn Ed into a neko.
Yes I'm insane. Duh
2/1/2013 c12 Random persion
Just had a awsome idea.I dare all of you to put the doom song on a loop and start dancing to it in neon Teletubbie coustomes...for a hour! 't ask me how,but I got this idea from Charlie the unicorn. By!
12/30/2012 c12 6AnimeAvarice
Heya! AnimeAvarice here.
If you are still taking dares, make Roy do Ryuk's "apple dance" (you know, the one from the 2nd Death Note opening?) while wearing a miniskirt. Then have Edward spray him with a fire extinguisher (i dont know why).
If you aren't taking dares then nevahmind! _
I reeeeeeally hope you keep writing this! And i gotta say, Rogue, you rock. I'm sorry, you just do.
Double A out!
11/20/2012 c12 tickout
hi, as the name suggests, I am tickout. the tickout, not a fake one. famous for punching truth in the face (yes I no longer have a soul, but man it was worth it!). and yup, I ate a piece of lights death note (still hasn't noticed, eh?). don't ask how. anywho, I'd love to help you find ways to tortur- *ahem*, DARE your little friends. a few possibilities would be
- dress up like an apple in front of ryuk
- punch truth in the face (not safe for mortals to do, it makes it all the most fun!)
- make ed call one of the taller characters (paticularily someone who mocks his height like envy or roy) that they are tall and he is short
- make L eat broccoli
thats all I have for you now. ooh, and give ryuk an apple for me ;)
tickout, AWAY!
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