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for four times dean didn't have sex

6/24/2012 c5 Casismyfavorite
So very sad but at least Dean and Cas had each other in their last moments. My favorite parts were when Dean thinks to himself "here I come, Sammy" and when "he wonders if he'll feel Cas's wings in heaven". So sweet.
5/30/2012 c1 14CatClawz
Love this one drabble.
5/27/2012 c4 Casismyfavorite
Dean may have felt so lost and destroyed but he did the right thing. That is so Dean.
4/29/2012 c1 38ThePandoricaWillOpen
It's sad to think this probably happened once or twice. He did say he would do anything to protect and care for Sammy.

Can't wait for more.
4/29/2012 c1 8DeansMuse
So sad but probably more true than we think.

Come on, Cas. Save him.

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